331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: UNIVERSAL UNCONSCIOUS


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Saturday, February 10, 2024



Universal Unconscious
Kundalini, which is there within you, since all your previous lives, is nurtured in you. She records all things like a tape- what problems he has, this is my son, what are his problems he has in his body, which thing he needs. She knows each and everything about you. Your mother may have many children but you are the only child of this mother (Kundalini). You are the only child. Ever since I was born, I was observing that the Kundalini in each person is frozen just there. She just does not rise. What is the reason? The rising path of Kundalini is fixed and she knows that I have to rise through this path.
There is a big space in between; here those who are doctors can understand that in this Void, which is in between vagus nerve and aortic plexus, there is vacuum. In the same way, there is also a space in our sushumna nadi. Because of this space created in all the human beings that Kundalini shakti is inherent. I was just not able to understand that this Kundalini shakti will rise, but how. The found-out remedy to fill this gap is Sahaja Yoga. When this Kundalini shakti rises, then it goes upside and again it goes up through this path and intermingles you with power which fills our vibrations. You see, it’s just like petrol. First, it was filled within us then we used it. We have consumed it because of our outgoing tendency. Now to fill new petrol again, this cap has once again been opened up. And for that person it is Kundalini which opens it.
From above, the Shakti (power) flows through you for whole time in the form of grace. When this takes place, at that time, you will feel like there is some power flowing through your hands. Now it is surprising that from the beginning, ever since the power of Chaitanya (vibrations) has been working, the gross power and Chaitanya (vibratory) power have been together. Like there is a tree, inside tree is vibratory power, there is a light that is why it is being nourished. But you don’t see that. You are watching only the growth of tree means you are watching the work of just gross power. It is the Chaitanya shakti (vibratory power) which always runs the gross power, it regulates it and it does its work. But time it is seen for the first time when you are Realized. Then there is manifestation of this. For the first time, it starts flowing through you when flow is opened from above and it start coming from inside. Cool –cool vibration comes in hands. But you, yourself reach that state where thoughtless awareness gets established. There is antarmoh (inner attachment). If there is any psychologist here, he can understand this, it is called Universal Unconscious.
Na sankhen,na yogen
Adi Shankaracharya has talked of nothing but Sahaja Yoga. He had just said,’ na sankhen, na yogen’-God is not achieved either by sankhya or yoga, he is achieved in a sahaja way, spontaneously. The growth is spontaneous and he had not made any caste. He had said that there were three kind of people in the world, the one who of lower level, those who do not have much intelligence. Those who have not yet developed fully as a human being. For example, this mike is not yet fully prepared as a machine, then there is no need to connect it to the mains either and there is no use also. It is better that these types of people are remained in ‘bhakti rasa’- the essence of devotion.They are of no use.
Second type of people, are those whose minds run here and there. That is why they indulge in wrong things or they are stuck to such work which make their energy exhausted. These types of people should get into yoga so that they should be able to save themselves by yoga. But the third type of people who are such mild and are of such a pure form that this unique phenomenon takes place in them. Now the only difference between him (Adi Shankaracharya) and me is that he used to say there that there is one in millions and I say that there are thousands in millions. This is the only difference between both of us. It may be possible that there used to be such people in sixth century but as of today I see there are thousands of them who are getting this thing.
Excerpt: Public Program,New Delhi,1973

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