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Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Essence of Sahaja Yoga


The trouble, however, is that in the name of God, of evolution and of higher life, a plethora of of spurious people have come out making it well-nigh difficult to convince anyone of the existence of truth. Under the circumstances one has to talk about truth. But mere talking about truth rarely leads to the experience of truth. It is altogether a different realm, a new awareness which you will have to get to understand the truth for which I do not know how many of you are really prepared or how many of you would like to know. Or even if you would like to, yet how many of you will really achieve it.

 But the problem is the other way round. It is not a problem that we have only a few people, nor that I cannot give realisation. It is also not a problem that you cannot know the truth. The irony is that whatever is false, spurious or silly finds quick acceptance among the masses. Sometimes I feel that I have developed a unique method by which I can give realisation en masse all over the world. But it really poses a problem for me if the masses are not interested. In fact, it is only very few who take a keen interest in their evolutionary process and would like to come out of their ignorance in which they have been living. In all the ego-oriented countries it is very difficult to bring home the truth that we are still ignorant. We have to know a lot. It is very difficult because they think they know everything, because they have been to the moon. 

. But now in this modern life which they are leading you find them so stupid and foolish that they have begun deluding others with their stupidity and foolishness. How are we to approach those people who are true seekers ? Those who have been seekers for ages ? All their lives before have been lost. Sometimes it is very disappointing. But still hoping against hopes, I hope we reach all the corners of the universe where we find all people who are true seekers. It is their power to know the Divine; know the Divine. It is not for those who are managing directors or kings or something ! What does it matter in the presence of God. They would be pushed out. They will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of God. That kingdom is only For those who have known. Not for those who simply talk about God. Those who say that we are worshippers of God and we have learnt so much it will be said, "that is well, then go back to the place where from you have come". Whatever you have known is through your awareness, and in your awareness you have come to know. The awareness has to be enlightened. It is not what you know but human awareness which has still to grow. It involves such a lot of journey even after our realisation. It takes no time sometimes to give realisation to so many people. I know it has happened with so many. But they do not know what they have to achieve. The ego is such a horrible stuff that people do not want to see what they haven't got with them, what they have to have and what they deserve. They do not want to see that beauty, that light, that is the Spirit. The reflection of God's love is the most precious thing that you could think of. I do not know how many times I have delivered lectures in England, apart from the hard work I have put in. Of course there are results, but progress has been slow. Compared to the fake and artificial people who have made so much money out of you, Sahaja Yoga is working slowly. 

 Now, this, I must say, can work out only with people who are, seekers who want to know through their awareness what is the truth. You have to know your Spirit, for, without knowing your Spirit you cannot know the truth and whatever I may talk to you is a waste of time—a complete waste of time. Because you haven't got the awareness, today, to know the truth I am talking about. So, I must earnestly ask you to become the Spirit. Why should you hesitate to do what you are told to, so that you will get your realisation, which means that you have to become the Spirit first. Until and unless this awareness is enlightened you cannot see. It is like describing the nature of colours to a blind man. You have to open your eyes. But even this simple thing people find difficult to accept. The reason is that they have become very naive. They don't know what it is, and also they do not have any inclination to understand. Now you see a tree standing there and you must know, that they are rooted. Somebody has told you there are roots but you do not believe it because they are not visible. It is as simple as that. But why don't you try to find out if the trees have roots or not. Supposing somebody says "whatever are outside, that much more are inside." So why not try you to see into it? This is the simple question we should ask ourselves "why should I put any barrier to seeing", if that is going to give the best in the world, if it is going to give an inkling of that beautiful thing called the Spirit. Why should we not have it ? You don't have to pay for it, not even to exert for it. You don't have to do anything. But you must desire. This is the Point I am trying to make. 

If you do not desire it from your own heart, God is not going to fall at your feet, imploring "please desire me". And if you understand that you have to really desire it because it is such a desirous thing that I must tell you that this Kundalini is the pure desire within you. It is not yet manifested, not yet awakened, in the sense that it has not yet acted. Imagine how important it is. You should have the desire to be one with the Divine, to be one with your Spirit. The desire has to be strong, if not, then you would be challenging the Kundalini, that is, you turn anti-Kundalini. Then the Kundalini would not rise. But what has this brain achieved so far ? Just look at it. You must understand. What have we achieved by this brain ? For example, ask this stupid managing director "what good has he done for anybody. What does he know about the spiritual life ? What does he understand about Christ's life?" But if he sends a letter, any newspaper is willing to publish it. Look at the stupidity of the whole thing. They do not understand that anything that has to go to the masses must be sensible; from a sensible man who is said to be an authority on spiritual life. What good has this fellow done to anybody. But if I write something or any Sahaja Yogi says that by coming to Sahaja Yoga he has given up his bad habits or has got cured his cancer or diseases, then nobody wants to listen to you. Nor does it make any news. On the other hand they think you are mad. But a man like him, if he writes, they publish it. So it shows clearly we are not only contending with people who are not only mad but also absolutely foolish. Who have no sense at all as to how they have to live and how they have to conduct themselves. Sometimes you have to take it upon yourself for going into anddiscovering the truth. It is you who have to find it out. For example, I say that this is a place where there are lots of diamonds or this is a cave in which there is a lot of gold. The gold is not going to come to you. You have to go to the cave and get it. It is as simple. I am not saying you walk towards anything or do anything like that. 

You have to desire and desire from your heart It is impossible for me to raise your Kundalini if you do not desire it, because Kundalini itself is the pure desire. What can I do about it ? Can I force it ? You cannot push it out. If you want to have a seed sprouted, you have to plant it in the mother earth, you cannot take it out in bits and pieces. You have to have a pure desire. And if that desire is not there, then I am breaking my head against the wall. So it is important to understand that you must have that desire which is the highest. But if you are satisfied with things which are useless and nonsensical, then what am I to do about it ? There is no psychology which can do that, because you have to have the desire to be alright. But this is something innate and does not work with people who do not have pure desire. This has been written down since long; it cannot be changed-, it cannot be forced, explained, discussed or argued about. Nothing can be done; it has to work out from within.  

The identification with the ego is so much that it is easy to take a bull by the horns but to take an ego-oriented man to the practices of Sahaja Yoga is very difficult. Today I am rather disgusted but other moods also come—the moods of compassion and tremendous love. I should do something to bring sense to these people. Something should happen to them otherwise what I see is a complete disaster. It is going to happen. I do not want to frighten you like Mrs Thatcher does about the Russians. That might be imaginary. But this is real. I am warning you that the disaster is going to come as destruction itself. But the greatest thing is the failure of the desire that it could not communicate with you who are chosen specially in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven. But suddenly you will find that they all have fallen into a sieve without a way out. The Sahaja Yogis too feel frustrated at times. Whatever it is, as far as I am concerned they have tremendous desire. But I am so desireless that the desire may not always work out. You see, I am a a desireless person. So I ask the Sahaja Yogis to desire, so that people will have the great desire to become the Spirit. 

This is the greatest thing that we can give to our brothers and sisters, to the people, to the children, to this beautiful world we live in, to the beautiful light and to the beautiful time they all have to enjoy. / hope those who come for the first time w ill understand my difficulty and try to see that you should desire only your Self-realisation and nothing else. Just desire that, and forget about everything else even if you are managing director or a king. Keep all your shoes outside and just desire your Spirit. You see the difference between me and Christ. He got so fed up that he cried out "let me be crucified". Of course it was in the plan that he should die on the cross. / have to see that you all get your realisation somehow. It is like a Mother's desire to give a bath to the baby and get him cleansed. So whichever you like—whether to be desolate or like to receive a rebuke—/ am willing to work it out But at least ensure that you desire to get your realisation. May God bless you.

1970-0101, The Essence of Sahaja Yoga, from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 19, Jan.-Feb. 1984, Pages 28--32

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