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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Become Enlightened and Blissful by removing illusions of Chitta


“Human Chitta has many illusions. When they are removed, human Chitta becomes enlightened and blissful. Many of your illusions have been removed by Kundalini awakening.

1. You have realised that Kundalini is not an imaginary but a living power in man.

3. This awakening does not take place by any act. But if a person has committed bad deeds, awakening is not possible because even in sleeping state She is aware of the past deeds of the person. Kundalini She has righteousness and although She is mother in witness state, She knows what is good and bad for the person. Diseased body and mind get cured by the grace of Kundalini.

4. Kundalini Shakti is the power of desire of Bhagwati. She is easily awakened just by the wish (Sankalpa) of Bhagawati. A person of very high order has to put in great efforts for it. But it is not his fault.

5. Brahma-Tattwa which is flowing within you in the form of vibrations cleans all your three sheaths viz. Body, Mind and Ego. When any of these sheaths becomes impure your vibrations give you the indications.

6. You get the bliss of the spirit, if you become of sound body, pure mind and egoless. Vibrations of bliss flow from the spirit because its light beams unaffected.

7. How has this universe been made? Why made? Is Paramatma existing? These doubts are basic. Even Gods (Devas) have not understood them. But what I have told is right or wrong, can be ascertained on vibrations. For that vibrations should be good. When you will learn with your experience that love and truth are one and when with your experiences you will realise your very subtle Brahma-Tattwa, then your illusion, that Brahma is detached, will go. Divine principle i.e. Brahma will blossom from within you as lotus and its fragrance will spread. Impurities will go from physical, subtle and causal bodies. When your Chitta becomes Brahma then the illusion due to unreal will be destroyed.

8. Although Brahma-Tattwa (Divine element) is like sun, its rays reflect on unreal (water) and that disturbs your attention. It will not be disturbed when your Chitta becomes Brahma (sun) itself. This illusion will go by meditation is the company of ever loving Bhagawati.

9. You have become collective conscious. This power of collective consciousness which is awakened within you, is Brahma Shakti and it is present in the universe, in different forms and even in molecules. It is the solidity (Jada-Shakti) in solids, in living beings it is beauty (Saundarya Shakti), in waking state it is the power of bliss, in Sahaja Yoga it is the power of consciousness bliss, in Param Yoga it is supreme bliss and within Bhagwati it is the power of being Brahma (Brahma-bhootwa Shakti). You have understood all these, but should experience them. You should have steady mind and surrendering your heart become free from the illusion. These are my blessings.
Ever yours,
Mother Nirmala”
Letter translated from Marathi, “Human Chitta has many illusions”, 1979

Friday, July 26, 2024

Be Careful of Your Mind


“In Sahaja Yoga, we have very clever, intelligent people. But this mind… You have to be very careful because this mind can cheat you. So ask your mind, “Why are you in Sahaja Yoga? What is the purpose of your Sahaja Yoga?” Gradually this mind will shut up. And then, you have to ask yourself that, “What is my own desire now? What do I want? What do I want to achieve? Why I am in Sahaja Yoga?” If you ask this question, you will see you’ll just dissolve, you’ ll become thoughtless because there is no desire left now.

There is no ambition left, no competition. All these qualities are of the brain, or we can say, of the intellect, which makes you competitive, which makes you also jealous. So jealousy is also a product of this competitiveness because when two persons are competing or many are competing and one is selected, others become jealous. I mean instead of feeling happy, “All right. So, one of us has become something, so we should be very happy that he has become.” On the contrary, the other people feel jealous, “Why has he become? Who is he? What does he think of himself?” Then they go further. Not you people, but on the whole, people go further with it and what do they do is to harm another person.

In Sahaja Yoga, people are also sometimes very worried and frightened. There is no need to be worried or frightened because now you have become a Sahaja Yogi and a Guru. Nobody can touch you. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Cabella , Italy.
July 16th, 1995

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sahaja Culture


"Today I was thinking of talking, telling you about the Sahaja Culture...

So the culture is the pattern of behaviour we have with others. Is a common pattern of behaviour we are supposed to have with others...
So the culture of the Spirit doesn't change. It's universal, and is higher than any other culture. Apart from that it integrates all the essences of all the cultures...

So for a person who is imbibed with the culture of spirit, the Sahaj culture, impresses others by his calmness and relaxed attitude. Relaxation never means lethargy, by any chance. It doesn't mean lethargy. Lethargy is against relaxation. A person who is relaxed cannot become lethargic. "Relaxed" means a person who's alert and calm. These two things for human beings is an impossibility, because if they are alert, if they are alert then they're not calm. If they're unhappy, sad, then they think they are very, very calm. So this is one of the things one has to remember, that you have to witness yourself all the time. Not to condemn yourself, but witness.

Now I said the word "witness" means "detached". Now what happens with this, when you start condemning yourself, you miss every good point. For example, you have some experience of a sudden height being achieved. All right? At that point you should catch hold of it, hold on to it, keep doing, but don't forget that you may go back, no. And then wait for another higher moment to come, hold on to it. That's how you climb Himalayas. But not that, "Oh Ma. Now it's all right, but what will happen next?" Then you are gone down, because you have to face yourself in the way, knowing what are your powers. You are a spirit now, you are no more an ordinary human being, so you have no business to condemn yourself, or to degrade yourself, or in any way to feel unhappy. No way. Past is past. What happened a moment before is finished. "Now I am going to rise. Now I am going to rise."

So a person who has a Sahaja culture is not only spontaneous, but is inspired, is an inspired personality. A person who is of that kind, an inspired visionary, then other people get impressed by such a person that, "See, there's a man who's inspired, who talks in an inspired way, in a way that is something very different from others." Something new he says, new that is nourishing. "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi    October 6, 1985    "Sahaj Culture"    New Jersey Ashram, USA

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nirmala Vidya


It is the special power by which we do All Divine work, even forgiving. When you say, “Mother, forgive us “, the technique by which I forgive you is Nirmala Vidya. The technique by which I love you is also Nirmala Vidya. The technique by which all the Mantras are manifesting themselves and are effective is also Nirmala Vidya. ‘Nirmala’ means ‘pure’, ‘Vidya’ means ‘knowledge’. Nirmala Vidya is purest knowledge or the knowledge of this technique. It creates loops, the energy creates loops and creates also different formations by which it acts and [with?]draws all that is unwanted, impure, and fills it up with its power. It is a technique, a divine technique which I may not be able to explain to you fully because your instrument does not do that – you don’t have that instrument.

But now you see, how subtle it is. Only by saying, “Nirmala Vidya”, you just invite that power, the whole thing, the whole technique to attend to you and it attends to you. You don’t have to worry. It never happens in any government or anywhere in the world. You just address the Government. and the whole thing goes into work, in the whole the entire universe, every creation. That technique is called Nirmala Vidya. That technique once mastered, by surrendering into it; it completely obeys, absolutely. But it is Ganesh Shakti, the Shakti of Innocence is the power called Innocence. The whole power because it is Innocence. So the Innocence takes over, which manages. That’s how it works out.

Then It goes on rising and called Para Shakti, beyond power, then becomes Madhyama and all that. It comes up to the Visshuddhi at the left. There you become guilty. Because of your guilty nature you say things that are harsh.
Left Vishuddhi is the catch of the Ganesh Shakti. Ganesh is sweetest thing you can think of, even when you look at Ganesha; this Kautuk, this innocent admiration starts flowing. Just think of Him, you feel so happy.

That Innocence becomes harsh on left Visshuddhi. So to overcome your left Visshuddhi all of you are to use sweet words. Your language should be sweet to everyone, especially [men] must speak sweetly to their wives. Know, that sweetness will cure your left Visshuddhi. Always speak very sweetly, try to find out all the sweet words. The sweet methods of addressing is the best way to cure your guilt because if you say anything harsh to anyone; you may say so as a matter of habit or may be because just you feel happy by saying that, but as soon as you say it, you say, “Oh God, what did I say”, that is the biggest guilt. One has always, to try to find out sweet words. Now, the birds are chirping. In the same way you have to learn all the sounds of everything by which you make people happy by your sweetness – it is very important. Otherwise, if your left Vishuddhi grows too much, you will develop a way of talking by which your lips will get distorted towards left side.
Then the flow starts higher, in the Agnya Chakra, where the Ganesh Shakti becomes the Greatest Power of Forgiveness. Then it rises higher into the limbic area where Ganesh Shakti goes above the Surya, the super-ego comes up and this power is that of the Moon and this Moon is Spirit, this becomes Spirit and it sits on the head of Sadashiva, that is the same. The whole Ganesh Shakti’s evolution, you see, it is so beautiful. So this way our desire itself becomes the Spirit. Your desire and Spirit become one. But this hurdle can be very bad sometimes. You have seen, that all of you who have left Vishuddhi, when you speak harshly you must know it is not you who is speaking. No, because you are the Spirit. Spirit cannot say anything harsh or destructive. It only will say harsh, when it is necessary to little bit remould. But that you don’t take over. That will be done by somebody else
Rahuri (India), 31 December 1980.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

An Analytical Study of Sahaja Yoga Impact on Development and Evolution in Human Beings”


The origin of creation is supposed to have happened due to an explosion of energy defined as Big bang. Resultant creation is made of visible and invisible, living and non-living and other seen-unseen elements. In the creation all these exist at four main levels known as Physical, subtle, causal and super-causal levels of existence. These levels are also the expression of divinity in the creation.
A human being is a living system made of visible and invisible elements and is considered a replica of universe. Thus a human being also has four levels of bodies known as physical body, subtle body, causal body and super-causal body. All these bodies have their elements and the divine forces behind the elements which contribute to working and behaviour of a human being in daily life. Some of the major elements of four bodies are,

a. Physical Body. Body, Body Parts, Organs, Systems. All that makes physical body work as a living system and perform physical actions.
b. Subtle Body. Mana (Mind), Buddhi (Intellect), SukshamIndriya (Subtle Senses). Controls working of physical body and human being as a living being.
c. Causal Body.Chitta (Attention), Ahankar (Ego), SukshmaPran (Subtle Life Force). Controls working of subtle body and through subtle physical body actions.
d. Supercausal Body. Atma (Soul), Pramatma (God), Prakarti (Nature). Controls working of causal body and through causal body working of subtle and physical body.

Working of Human Being and Behaviour
A human being as a living beings works under the control of brain-mind system. Brain is an element and part of physical body and Mind, an element of subtle body. But brain and mind are also effected by the state of causal and super-causal body elements like chitta, life force, prakarti, atma etc. Behaviour of a human being is the result of various internal factors and is observed as impression and expression caused by the impact of actions like words, dealings, reactions etc. on other livings and non-livings in general but human beings in particular. In a human being behaviour is the ultimate result of all the elements of various bodies and their impact on physical body elements which exhibit as behaviour.

Human behavior is also effected by some invisible factors like anger, fear, lust,
greed, tension, anxiety etc. which are the result of actions and reactions of various body elements and exhibit as behaviour at physical and subtle levels. These are all drivers of behavior in a human being. By controlling these drivers and their impact on the elements of bodies behaviour can be controlled.

Yoga and meditation work at elements of various bodies and hence control items of behaviour.

Role of Yoga in Human Behaviour

Yoga means union of individual living with creator or Atma with Paramatma. Meditation is the process of creating this union. In practical terms meditation and yoga mean bringing peaceful integration in elements of four bodies i.e. body, mind, attention and soul etc. and achieve the goal of yoga i.e. union of atma with paramatma which reflects as joy and peace, happy mind and thoughts and ailment free health.

Meditation and Yoga as tools of human development have been accepted world over.

Sahaja yoga, though an old system, has been revived and taught in recent times. Sahaja Yoga works using kundalini awakening as the source of achieving yoga.

Kundalini is the divine energy resident in every human being and imparts life and balance and flows through Nervous System (Nadis) and Plexuses (Chakras) in the physical body. Problems in a human being are caused by imbalance in the flow of energy which when balanced removes the
problems .

Kundalini normally remains dormant but on being awakened flows through Nadis
and Chakras and energises every cell and organ connected through nerves and plexuses. By meditation one can bring balance in this flow in the body and achieve benefits at physical (Body and Organs),subtle (Mind, Intellect) and even causal (Ego, Consciousness) bodies which are cause of anger, tension and all other weaknesses.

This also imparts an awareness of higher level known as self realisation.

Article by:
Dr Hari S Sharma
Email: profhssharma@yahoo.com
Website: drhss

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Negativity and Positivity - How We Perceive Everything


Negativity and Positivity — How we perceive everything **
"...Anybody who is complaining of nature is negative, anybody who complains is negative. I never complain, do I? Did I ever complain. I’ve been to all your programs anywhere, did I ever complain that the bed is not all right? Suddenly the other day I discovered the bed on I sleep is really hard like a rock, really. I just suddenly discovered because I sat on it. But I didn’t complain to anyone. I said, “It’s all right.” Because I’m quite comfortable Myself with it. So this is it that shows a person who’s not comfortable within himself is still negative and such a person should try to keep out of Sahaja Yoga. That’s the best way the person is going to be helped.
For negative people also you must remember you must try to keep out of Sahaja Yoga. Don’t try to show off, because such a person always wants to come forward. Why? Because he’ll be blessed, because he’ll be saved. It’s a kind of a, like a beggar coming to a rich man, but it’s not so!

In Sahaja Yoga it’s the other way round, everything is just the other way round, you can put everything the other way round, then you’ll understand. In Sahaja Yoga those who keep out of My sight are better blessed. Those who do not ask Me questions, whether I should have this or that are better blessed. Those who do not claim anything from Me are better blessed. Those who do not challenge Me are better blessed. Miracles happen. Like in My passport, this has happened before also, I did not know in Australia, but Mr. Shivastava told Me that My passport has expired, I must get the validity again sanctioned.

When I came here, Warren told Me at least three times, then I asked Warren, “Should I go to Delhi to get it done because if I go to Hong Kong how will I do it, without a passport?” And then I said, “Let’s see.” I opened the passport – it’s already sanctioned till eighty-eight. So, you see, for that one has to understand that we must know our priorities; we must know what is important. For Me it was important I have to go to Hong Kong, I couldn’t find any time when I could go there, at a time when it would not be very hot. And just it worked out for Me, I don’t have to go to Delhi first and I’m now ready to go.

It has happened so many times and even if something goes wrong with My passport or anything because of negative forces, I use it for an advantage. So even if somebody is a negative person, use it for a positive thing. Now, example: I was going to America and I had sent My passport for visa and My husband who is so meticulous had taken it. And they gave the visa for the year ahead. When I went to the airport they said, “What? This is the visa for the one year ahead.” One year ahead, they had given. So they said, “You can go next year, not this year, the visa is for next year.” So I telephoned to My husband, it was a Sunday, he just got out of bed, he ran up and down, poor fellow, he said, “How is it I didn’t see?” I said, “You didn’t see. What has happened is that you didn’t see. The fellow who did it was quite speedy I think, so he gave Me one year ahead, so now better find out.” I mean, this is what happens to the speedy people. They’ll give you visa for one year ahead. That’s another extreme positivity. Now, then as a result of his running up and down, they all got shattered, you know the Americans especially felt, “Oh God, what a mistake it was.” So they gave Me visa for five years.
[Laugter and applause]
So instead of feeling unhappy about the negativity and making miserable faces and making yourself miserable and Me miserable with that, best is to laugh it out and use that negativity for your positivity...."
(excerpt from Shri Mataji's address to Sahaja Yogis at Rahuri, Maharashtra, 14-01-1986)