Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Become Enlightened and Blissful by removing illusions of Chitta
Friday, July 26, 2024
Be Careful of Your Mind
Monday, July 22, 2024
Sahaja Culture
So the culture is the pattern of behaviour we have with others. Is a common pattern of behaviour we are supposed to have with others...
So the culture of the Spirit doesn't change. It's universal, and is higher than any other culture. Apart from that it integrates all the essences of all the cultures...
So for a person who is imbibed with the culture of spirit, the Sahaj culture, impresses others by his calmness and relaxed attitude. Relaxation never means lethargy, by any chance. It doesn't mean lethargy. Lethargy is against relaxation. A person who is relaxed cannot become lethargic. "Relaxed" means a person who's alert and calm. These two things for human beings is an impossibility, because if they are alert, if they are alert then they're not calm. If they're unhappy, sad, then they think they are very, very calm. So this is one of the things one has to remember, that you have to witness yourself all the time. Not to condemn yourself, but witness.
Now I said the word "witness" means "detached". Now what happens with this, when you start condemning yourself, you miss every good point. For example, you have some experience of a sudden height being achieved. All right? At that point you should catch hold of it, hold on to it, keep doing, but don't forget that you may go back, no. And then wait for another higher moment to come, hold on to it. That's how you climb Himalayas. But not that, "Oh Ma. Now it's all right, but what will happen next?" Then you are gone down, because you have to face yourself in the way, knowing what are your powers. You are a spirit now, you are no more an ordinary human being, so you have no business to condemn yourself, or to degrade yourself, or in any way to feel unhappy. No way. Past is past. What happened a moment before is finished. "Now I am going to rise. Now I am going to rise."
So a person who has a Sahaja culture is not only spontaneous, but is inspired, is an inspired personality. A person who is of that kind, an inspired visionary, then other people get impressed by such a person that, "See, there's a man who's inspired, who talks in an inspired way, in a way that is something very different from others." Something new he says, new that is nourishing. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi October 6, 1985 "Sahaj Culture" New Jersey Ashram, USA
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Nirmala Vidya
Saturday, July 13, 2024
An Analytical Study of Sahaja Yoga Impact on Development and Evolution in Human Beings”
The origin of creation is supposed to have happened due to an explosion of energy defined as Big bang. Resultant creation is made of visible and invisible, living and non-living and other seen-unseen elements. In the creation all these exist at four main levels known as Physical, subtle, causal and super-causal levels of existence. These levels are also the expression of divinity in the creation.
A human being is a living system made of visible and invisible elements and is considered a replica of universe. Thus a human being also has four levels of bodies known as physical body, subtle body, causal body and super-causal body. All these bodies have their elements and the divine forces behind the elements which contribute to working and behaviour of a human being in daily life. Some of the major elements of four bodies are,
a. Physical Body. Body, Body Parts, Organs, Systems. All that makes physical body work as a living system and perform physical actions.
b. Subtle Body. Mana (Mind), Buddhi (Intellect), SukshamIndriya (Subtle Senses). Controls working of physical body and human being as a living being.
c. Causal Body.Chitta (Attention), Ahankar (Ego), SukshmaPran (Subtle Life Force). Controls working of subtle body and through subtle physical body actions.
d. Supercausal Body. Atma (Soul), Pramatma (God), Prakarti (Nature). Controls working of causal body and through causal body working of subtle and physical body.
Working of Human Being and Behaviour
A human being as a living beings works under the control of brain-mind system. Brain is an element and part of physical body and Mind, an element of subtle body. But brain and mind are also effected by the state of causal and super-causal body elements like chitta, life force, prakarti, atma etc. Behaviour of a human being is the result of various internal factors and is observed as impression and expression caused by the impact of actions like words, dealings, reactions etc. on other livings and non-livings in general but human beings in particular. In a human being behaviour is the ultimate result of all the elements of various bodies and their impact on physical body elements which exhibit as behaviour.
Human behavior is also effected by some invisible factors like anger, fear, lust, greed, tension, anxiety etc. which are the result of actions and reactions of various body elements and exhibit as behaviour at physical and subtle levels. These are all drivers of behavior in a human being. By controlling these drivers and their impact on the elements of bodies behaviour can be controlled.
Yoga and meditation work at elements of various bodies and hence control items of behaviour.
Role of Yoga in Human Behaviour
Yoga means union of individual living with creator or Atma with Paramatma. Meditation is the process of creating this union. In practical terms meditation and yoga mean bringing peaceful integration in elements of four bodies i.e. body, mind, attention and soul etc. and achieve the goal of yoga i.e. union of atma with paramatma which reflects as joy and peace, happy mind and thoughts and ailment free health.
Meditation and Yoga as tools of human development have been accepted world over.
Sahaja yoga, though an old system, has been revived and taught in recent times. Sahaja Yoga works using kundalini awakening as the source of achieving yoga.
Kundalini is the divine energy resident in every human being and imparts life and balance and flows through Nervous System (Nadis) and Plexuses (Chakras) in the physical body. Problems in a human being are caused by imbalance in the flow of energy which when balanced removes the
problems .
Kundalini normally remains dormant but on being awakened flows through Nadis and Chakras and energises every cell and organ connected through nerves and plexuses. By meditation one can bring balance in this flow in the body and achieve benefits at physical (Body and Organs),subtle (Mind, Intellect) and even causal (Ego, Consciousness) bodies which are cause of anger, tension and all other weaknesses.
This also imparts an awareness of higher level known as self realisation.
Article by:
Dr Hari S Sharma
Email: profhssharma@yahoo.com
Website: drhss.com
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Negativity and Positivity - How We Perceive Everything