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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Become Enlightened and Blissful by removing illusions of Chitta


“Human Chitta has many illusions. When they are removed, human Chitta becomes enlightened and blissful. Many of your illusions have been removed by Kundalini awakening.

1. You have realised that Kundalini is not an imaginary but a living power in man.

3. This awakening does not take place by any act. But if a person has committed bad deeds, awakening is not possible because even in sleeping state She is aware of the past deeds of the person. Kundalini She has righteousness and although She is mother in witness state, She knows what is good and bad for the person. Diseased body and mind get cured by the grace of Kundalini.

4. Kundalini Shakti is the power of desire of Bhagwati. She is easily awakened just by the wish (Sankalpa) of Bhagawati. A person of very high order has to put in great efforts for it. But it is not his fault.

5. Brahma-Tattwa which is flowing within you in the form of vibrations cleans all your three sheaths viz. Body, Mind and Ego. When any of these sheaths becomes impure your vibrations give you the indications.

6. You get the bliss of the spirit, if you become of sound body, pure mind and egoless. Vibrations of bliss flow from the spirit because its light beams unaffected.

7. How has this universe been made? Why made? Is Paramatma existing? These doubts are basic. Even Gods (Devas) have not understood them. But what I have told is right or wrong, can be ascertained on vibrations. For that vibrations should be good. When you will learn with your experience that love and truth are one and when with your experiences you will realise your very subtle Brahma-Tattwa, then your illusion, that Brahma is detached, will go. Divine principle i.e. Brahma will blossom from within you as lotus and its fragrance will spread. Impurities will go from physical, subtle and causal bodies. When your Chitta becomes Brahma then the illusion due to unreal will be destroyed.

8. Although Brahma-Tattwa (Divine element) is like sun, its rays reflect on unreal (water) and that disturbs your attention. It will not be disturbed when your Chitta becomes Brahma (sun) itself. This illusion will go by meditation is the company of ever loving Bhagawati.

9. You have become collective conscious. This power of collective consciousness which is awakened within you, is Brahma Shakti and it is present in the universe, in different forms and even in molecules. It is the solidity (Jada-Shakti) in solids, in living beings it is beauty (Saundarya Shakti), in waking state it is the power of bliss, in Sahaja Yoga it is the power of consciousness bliss, in Param Yoga it is supreme bliss and within Bhagwati it is the power of being Brahma (Brahma-bhootwa Shakti). You have understood all these, but should experience them. You should have steady mind and surrendering your heart become free from the illusion. These are my blessings.
Ever yours,
Mother Nirmala”
Letter translated from Marathi, “Human Chitta has many illusions”, 1979

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