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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Will of God


Today we are celebrating Sahastrara day. Perhaps we have not realised what a day it must have been. Without opening the Sahastrara, God Itself was a myth, religion itself was a myth, and all talk about Divinity was a myth. People believed in it but it was just a belief. And the science, as it was put forward, was about to obliterate all the value system, all the proof of God Almighty.
If you see, in the history, one after another, when science established itself, the people who are so-called in charge of the helm of affairs in religion, in different religions tried to cope with the findings of science. They tried to show that: “All right, if it is said this much – is in the Bible, and if it is wrong we should correct it.” Especially Augustine did that, and it started looking as if it’s all a stupidity this, these scriptures were just mythical. At least the Koran itself, though, had lots of things which were describing the biology of today.
They could not believe that human beings were specially created by God. They thought it was a matter of chance that, one after another, the animals acquired a situation by which they became human beings. Thus all the time Divinity was challenged and there was no way of giving a proof of whatever is said in the Bible or in the Koran or in the Gita or in the Upanishadas or in the Torah. Any one of these things could not be proved because it was still just a faith.
Very, very few people got their Realisation and when they talked, people did not believe them and thought that they are just trying to say something which they are using to propound their own theories. So the whole thing became a kind of dead science. There was no science of religion. People started thinking that, “What’s the use of following these Ten Commandments or these strict rules of life, because by following that you gain nothing, you lose all the fun of the life, and why think of gaining some punyas also?” And that is how all the time there was a big derailment of human value system.
Also these organised religions, this monolithic organised religions started taking to [a] course of gaining power, or gaining money, because they thought that’s the only way you can control people and can go on. They were least bothered as to deliver the goods, whatever have been described in the Bible. Bible of course was tampered [with] very much and has been lot of changes in that. And a person like Paul, and Peter, who joined together, tried to spoil most of the Truth. Though Koran was not so much touched but still it dealt with more the right side, with the reproductive system and all those things, and so many things are still ambiguous.
Now simultaneously two things have happened, I don’t know if you are aware of it or not. First thing that has happened is that now we have a new science of microbiology in which we have discovered that every cell has got a DNA tape, every cell has got a programme in it. As we have in a computer a chip, every cell has got a tape in it, in a way, that it is programmed, and according to that programme a development takes place. Now imagine the intricacy of the whole thing! So many computers are already programmed and all these cells have these in them. So a very mysterious sort of a thing has come up before the scientists and they cannot explain it. They cannot explain many things but one of them is this.
Now what Sahaja Yoga has done is that it has proved that it is the Will of God, it is the desire of God, the Will of God, which is doing all the work, and it has been proved. All these Chaitanya, Adi Shakti, is nothing but the Will of God, and Will of God is the One is working out everything very harmoniously. I don’t know if some of you must have read my book, first book (‘Book of Adi Shakti’), where I have described how this Earth was created. There was a bang, but it was very harmonious, and how it developed is through the Will of God. So everything was done in a way that God’s Will was working it out.
Now, the Will of God, you are feeling it on your finger tips. After Realisation, now, you have discovered the absolute science, which is the Will of God, which is an absolute science. You people know that we have cured people through Sahaja Yoga. You also know giving bandhan, and all that, things work out. So many things work out automatically after Realisation that people don’t want to believe. In the beginning people would not believe when the scientists told them something, but now it is, you can see, the science is always in the flux, all the time changing. One theory is again challenged, another theory’s again challenged. But Sahaja Yoga has exposed you to that Great Truth of science which cannot be challenged, which is all there.
So anybody who comes out with any new proposal about defaming God, or saying that there is no God, we can prove, not [only] that there is God, but that everything, the creation of this Earth, the creation of human beings and everything was done harmoniously by the Will of God. If Will of God has done everything, the human beings should not take any credit for discovering some things which were created by God. Supposing this carpet is made by somebody and we start discovering all the colours, what is so great? It is all there. You cannot create.
So it is not the creation part of it [that’s] so much important but the fashioning of this world. Whole thing was done by the Will of God. Now if the Will of God is so important, it has to be proved, and now through Sahaja Yoga, after the breaking of the Sahastrara, you have now, for the first time, felt the Will of God, which is such an important thing but for us it is come to us so sahaj that we don’t understand. We just give the bandhan and the things work out and we feel that the things have worked out, so it is bandhan which has worked out, and we have managed everything – it’s not so, it’s much more than that. We have now become part and parcel of that Big Computer of that Will of God, we have become the medium, or we can say the channels, of that Will of God. We are connected with that Will of God which created all this Universe. So everything we can manage because we have got the Absolute Science in our hand. The Absolute Science which will work out the betterment of the whole world. We can prove it to the scientist that there is a Will of God which has done all this Creation. Even evolutionary process is the Will of God. Without His Will nothing could have happened.
So many people used to say that “not even a blade of grass moves without the Will of God”, which is a very true thing. And you have seen now that the Will of God we have got as our own power, we can use it, so how important it is to be a sahaja yogi! Perhaps we don’t realise how important it is to be a sahaja yogi. Sahaja Yoga is not only for saying “Mother, I am full of joy, I am enjoying myself. I got purified. Everything is fine“. But for what? Why did you get all these blessings? Why you have been cleansed? So that this knowledge of the Will of God should be apparent in you, not only that, should be a part and parcel of you.
So we have to raise our level, we have to come up. For mediocre and ordinary people it is really useless to give them Sahaja Yoga because they are good for nothing. They are not going to help us in any way because what is needed is now, today, that we should have people who can really manifest and reflect the Will of God. And for that, you can understand, we have to have very strong people because this Will has created the whole Universe, the Cosmos, this Mother Earth, everything is created by this Will of God. So now we are exposed to a new dimension and that dimension is that we are the ones who are channels of that Will of God. So then, what is our duty and what should we do about it?
As a result of Sahastrara being opened out, one thing [has happened]: the illusions have vanished, what you call [in] Sanskrit is bhranti. Illusions have vanished. You should have no illusion as to the existence of God Almighty, the Power of His Will and the truth about Sahaja Yoga. You should have no doubts at all! Minimum of minimum should be like that. But while using this Power you should be aware that this Power is given to you because you are capable of handling it. This is the Highest Power you could think of. Take any governor, take any minister, anyone, they can be removed tomorrow, they can become corrupt, they can become absolutely devoid of any knowledge of their own powers. There are many people who just get elected without knowing what they have to do.
So this is not just a conversion of people, it’s not only even transformation, but it is a new fashioning of a new human being which has come forward and which is capable of carrying the Will of God further.

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