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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Meditation only provides the powers of Guru


" This is a subject which you can only explain in Hindi language. Which says that this Guru pad you get from somebody else. But that somebody else is itself, is endowed with, the power, the power of peace of mind, to begin with, and also the power to overcome all kinds of earthly problems, mental problems, physical problems. All these problems you can solve through your mental balance and mental blessings from your Guru.
When you become the guru, you yourself have the power, to bless others. With your blessing power you can create a guru out of many. And once the guru is created and there is a guru, who has this power, it’s very satisfying and is very ennobling.
The satisfaction is so much that you don’t want anything. This is the power of Shiva. You have seen Shiva doesn’t have much clothes. He doesn’t decorate Himself. He is just sitting in meditative mood, all the time. He doesn’t want anything. He’s so satisfied with Himself that He doesn’t want anything. And that is the power you get after the Self-realisation, if you have a Guru, and Guru of that level and calibre.
One should not try to become a Guru: that’s very impractical. If you try to become, you will never. It has to come to you automatically, without any asking, without any effort. So the only way you can get to it is through dhyana. Dhyana is meditation. When you meditate – just meditate, and meditate. Do not ask for anything. Meditation itself gives you that instrument which can bear this great power of the Guru. And then you, automatically, you give this power to others. You don’t have to work it out, just in your presence people can get this power of complete satisfaction. And there is salvation for you and for others.
So all the problems which are faced for the journey of ascent are finished and you are drenched in the bliss of heavenly peace and joy. That’s why it is called as kaiyvalya, means only, only the bliss."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Pune . India.
15th February, 2004

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

How Sahaja Yoga helps in Emotional well-being and Self-Improvement


How Sahaja Yoga helps in Emotional well-being and Self-Improvement

The sense of inner calm that you experience during Sahaja’s state of meditation boosts your emotional resilience, which ensures that you can effectively cope with stressful life events now and over the longer term. The Kundalini energy is a living force that is not only working for us during meditation; it's working for us at all times. Sahaja Yoga provides all the benefits offered by meditation since meditation is the key vehicle through which you can achieve this ultimate spiritual union. Sahaja Yoga can go well beyond achieving the typical benefits of common forms of meditation.

Sahaja Yoga helps restore balance and a sense of well-being and improve self-esteem. It also revitalizes energy, restores optimism, peace and contentment. You’ll develop the ability to self-regulate your attention and focus on the present moment with curiosity, openness and acceptance. You’ll find that you’re able to observe and monitor your thoughts, feelings and sensations as they’re happening. The result is increased self-awareness, intuition and introspection. Your communication skills improve and your compassion and empathy for both self and others is enhanced. You become attuned to both the flow of energy and information within your own mind, as well as to the minds of others. Your overall personality improve. Your relationships improve. Creativity, focus, productivity and decision-making ability improve.

The constant practice of meditation in Sahaja Yoga enhances emotional stability by helping you self-regulate your emotions and respond to life’s stress reflectively, rather than reflexively. The present-centered awareness that results from the meditation allows helps you manage negative thoughts and feelings and regulate self-damaging emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety and feelings of low self-worth. You’re better equipped to confront and solve your problems, rather than just feeling guilty about your “mistakes.”

Sunday, December 25, 2022



😇 - He came on this earth – not only to save you – first to give you happiness, to give you joy.
" I do not understand why do you show Him to be such a lanky, panky, miserable creature. He was never miserable. Such people can never be miserable as you are. This is another concept of man, that He should be lanky, panky, tally, skinny, starved, bones coming out, count them one by one. Horrible! I tell you.
From His childhood to His death He was jolly person, He was happiness, He was joy. To pick you all happy, to give you the light of happiness by enlightening your source of joy, that is your spirit in your heart, that He came on this earth – not only to save you – first to give you happiness, to give you joy.
Because human beings in their ignorance and in this tomfoolery, are unnecessarily beating themselves and destroying themselves. When nobody asked you to go to pubs to get into trouble; nobody has asked you to go to races and become bankrupts; nobody has asked you to go to horrible gurus and get into troubles, but you seek your destruction morning till evening. Then He comes there, like a morning flower, to make you happy. First to make you happy, to give you joy. You see any child… You see any child. At least I know Myself, I don’t know about the funny people here I mean, for them flowers also look like thorns, I mean I don’t know how they manage that stuff, but you see a child anywhere, any child, such a joy giving thing it is.
And this is the child of the Divine – that comes on this earth as a child – is the most joy giving thing. And that’s why Christmas for all of us, for the whole Universe should be a festival of great joy. For He brought light for us by which you could see that there is someone called as “God”, there is someone who is going to remove this ignorance. This was the first beginning. "
- H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Caxton Hall, London (UK),
10 December 1979

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Spirituality does not need any Luxury,nor any Pompous Show .We need to make Christ Comfortable in our Agya Chakra


Christ was endowed with all the powers of Shri Ganesha, as He is the reincarnation of Shri Ganesha. The first of them was His innocence. He was the eternal child. He could not understand the cruelties and the hypocrisy of this stupid world. Still, if you can understand, what can you do about it? But with great courage, He took birth in a country where people had no idea of spirituality.... Christ was born in a very, very ordinary family. He had no proper bed to sleep as a child also. It is all described: where He slept, how His mother and father lived in a place where there were cows and calves. It was to show that spirituality does not need any luxury, does not need any pompous show. It is a power within. It is a glow and a light within which shows automatically.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 24 DEC 1998

Now we have to keep him [Christ], within ourselves, comfortable. We are not going to give him that manger in our Agya Chakra. Manger of thoughts and a crown of thoughts – that we are not going to give him. We are going to make him comfortable by not accepting negativity as a sympathy. You have to be kind towards your auspiciousness and holiness so that Christ enjoys his stay there in your Agya – that we do not torture him by our useless ideas, uncomfortable behaviours, inauspicious appearances and unholy acceptance of wrong ideas.
Try to respect Him. There he stands, try to make him very comfortable. I wish I could do that but he resides in everybody’s Agya Chakra. If he was only in my Agya I would have given him the greatest comfort. But he wants to be manifested in everybody’s Agya. So I have to request you, as a Mother, to look after him. Give him a nice cradle, give him a comfortable time because he’s born to give you your resurrection. He’s taken up such a great responsibility to suck all your conditioning and to suck all your ego, but that does not mean that you put stones on top of him.
It’s like, sometimes I find the conditioning of some of the people in the West is so great that a big mountain is falling on this little child. And sometimes I find a bad breath, horrible breath of ego, which stinks, blowing like a big wind towards him, and a horrible stink coming out of this terrible type of a ego which is absolutely not the way to treat the King of Kings who is born within you. You are so respected that Christ is born within your Agya but you must respect your Agya Chakra. Your attention should be in the centre so there’s no wobbliness. Imagine put a child, like they say – a child is to put on the winds.
So this Agya Chakra is to be kept very clean, healthy and holy. The attention should be holy. The attention outside is still not very holy, should be detached attention. If you start seeing through your Agya it should project a power of holiness so that anybody who looks at your eyes should know that serenity is flowing from these eyes and not lust and greed and aggression. All this we can achieve because we’ve got Christ within our Agya. Accept him there. He’s born – let him grow. I am sure Sahaja yogis will understand the importance of the Agya Chakra.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Dec 24, 1982

May be an image of text

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Adopting Divine Policies and Attitudes


Now, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, you become a Divine person. Definitely you become Divine. You are now a Divine personality, you are not a human personality. So you have to give up all that is human within you, then only you will be fully Divine. But it’s very difficult. That’s [what] the problem is: that it is very difficult to really accept that you are Divine, and that you have to take to Divine policies and Divine attitudes, and Divine temperament.
Now, the Divine temperament is generous. It is not bothered, as to what happens next. It’s not bothered, because it is connected with the Source. If you give one you will get a hundred. It is sure about it.
And to a Divine person, worldly things have no meaning, if they cannot give pleasures to others. A person who is very self-indulgent, always bothered about himself, is not a Divine person at all. In no way he’s Divine. It’s very common. It’s human. Everybody does that. Everybody is self-preserving.
But after Sahaja Yoga, you do not start all this nonsense again; you give it up.
And who looks after you? Who looks after your self-preservation? Is God Almighty. You are now completely dedicated to Him, and He looks after you. You don’t have to worry as to how to look after yourself, how to do this, how to do that. It is His work. The more you go on worrying about yourself, the worse it will be. The moment you give it up, it is looked after.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Nov 14, 1982

Become a Drop in the Ocean of Divine Love


You can attain any destination that you fix. All your auto suggestions will materialize. The remedy that is to be used is : your attention should be on ME and you should make the following conditioning of thoughts on your Agnya " How fortunate we are to have been realized ! We are Sahaja Yogis. God has chosen us. How can we work if we remain weak ? Adi Shakti has given us the power to redeem the whole mankind. We can do it and we will do it. " On heart you should criticise with these thoughts" How deep is God's love for us ! He has given us the realization. He is the ocean of mercy. Ignoring all our mistakes, He is working hard day and night for our welfare and , instead of praying for His forgiveness of our mistakes, we are making complaints against Him and blaming Him !"
" O God, please give us the power of Your love. May I be the drop in the ocean of Your love that is enveloping the whole universe, so that its loving pulsation is vibrated through my life and I remain engrossed in that bliss.”
This is translation of a portion of Marathi letter written by Shri Mataji. Published in Nirmala - Yoga. March - April, 1983.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Real Guru must have attention on Divine Power


" The person, whose attention is always on the Divine Power, only he can become a real Guru. The attention of normal human beings is perverted, it is not clean. For this Christ has said, that there should be no adultery in your eyes, means that if we put our attention on something, we start thinking a lot and strange thoughts come to our mind, as to how I can acquire this thing and why I did not get this thing, and other thoughts as to why and why not. If we see something and start thinking, then we should know that we have not yet crossed the Agnya Chakra.
Whatever thing you see, you should be able to go into thoughtless awareness, especially when one sees the Devis and Devatas (Gods and Goddesses), who reside in the heavenly abode of wealth and prosperity.
Once we attain the state of thoughtless awareness, no perversion will remain in our attention any more. The thoughts perverting the mind will not come anymore, so how will perversion influence you. That means like Christ said, thou shall not have adulterous eyes, they should be so pure, like the rays of the sun, when they fall on trees, they do not absorb the dirt, they nourish and nurture them, not only that but they also give them strength.
In a similar way, the Sahaja Yogis should have such radiance in their eyes, that they will be able to create a very pure atmosphere in the whole world. Purity in the atmosphere is what we need today, everywhere, so that peace, joy and divine power can prevail in this world. Only singing the praise of Shri Ganesha may not be sufficient, Shri Ganesha needs to be awakened within us and he should evolve to the state of Mahaganesha."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganapatipule.
1st January, 1986.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Joy comes from search of Self, the reflection of God


This is the Yantra and the mechanism that is this Yantra – Kundalini – is a holy mechanism. And this mechanism is specially created within the being of the One Main, of the One means the Macrocosm and we are the cells – all of us – in that. We were made aware as fishes of the soil, we became reptiles. We were made aware of the food available at the heights, we raised our head. Gradually we became human beings.
After this state we started thinking of God. We started thinking on something beyond. Man is the only animal who thinks of God and of searching. Is the man aware that he has to become something? Why is he so confused? Why is he under so tension? What is he searching? He is searching something of which he has a glimpse – a glimpse of that Joy he kept with him and that Joy comes from his Self – Atma – in his heart – he has not felt. He has not been able to manifest the power of his Self but there is a mechanism placed within him, properly built up inside, all the time present in all the human beings just like this as it is placed in the One Being. In His image it is also placed within you.
As I said last time that you are all built to be just like computers. Now the job is to put you to the mains. That’s why you are seeking. That’s the only urge you have in life. All other urges are actually the side issues. You think you are searching in money, in position is a myth. Those who have money are dissatisfied, those who have positions are dissatisfied, everybody is dissatisfied. The satisfaction time only comes to you when you will reach the real thing which you are searching and the real thing is your Self and nothing else. All other things are useless because you are not searching anything else, you are only searching your Self and that Self is the reflection of God almighty, that is within your heart.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Nov 21, 1977

Monday, December 12, 2022

Matajis advise on Vishuddhi and Hansa Chakras


Vishudhi & Hamsa
So now we come to the chakra of Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi Chakra can be divided into two is: here and Hamsa, there are two chakras. And Vishuddhi Chakra is, as you know, is the chakra of Viraat, where we have to seek ourselves in others. We have to seek our Atma in another person. We have to feel his Atma, we have to feel everybody’s Atma, we have to feel everyone else, we have to feel it. And how to do it, Krishna has taught us, is madhurya. “English madey kai shubda mana?” (meaning: “what do you say in English?”) Is the sweet… is the sweetness. Madhurya is the essence of sweet.
Feel others with the sweetness of it that, you are going to feel a flower; you are going to smell the fragrance of the other flower. Which has a different fragrance from yours. Feel that person with that sweetness as you feel the flower. How you catch the flower, how you smell it, how carefully you don’t even break a little of that so that you get the complete fragrance. That fragrance you can only feel if you have that sweetness, that mamadhuryaadhurya. And that sweetness of yours is so joy-giving. How you say things sweetly, how you express yourself sweetly. But in Marathi language, very difficult! [55 minutes Mother speaks in Marathi.] Gujarati’s are sweet to talk. “Pan tenza Nabhi gelele” (meaning: – “but their Nabhi is spoilt.“)
I think the sharpness of tongue, the cutting nature of tongue, sarcasm, the so-called brilliance of expression, sometimes it is better to be with a buddhu (fool) than to be with such an intelligent man who is all the time “shap shap shap”, going on, hitting you, morning till evening. Then you say harsh things, then develop a guilt. Then you develop a guilt, then you have to say more harsh things. It goes on.
So this kind of a behaviour is because when we speak we do not have a sensitivity to feel another person. Put yourself in the same situation. How will you feel? So at the Vishuddhi level – madhurya, such a simple thing it is. Develop. You have to develop a method. Especially Maharashtrians must develop [Mother speaks in Marathi.]
The sweetness of your tongue, the sweetness of your talking, the sweetness of meeting people. The whole the thing, you know, the sweetness itself gives you such a joy to meet such a person who is so sweet and nice. [“Tu ala ki ge failawar” Mother speaks in Marathi.] Anybody who comes to your house must wear a shield. [(Mother speaks in Marathi.]
So, it is important that the language should be extremely sweet for a sahaja yogi. On that point they are going to judge you, I can tell you this much. Sharp-tongued people, nobody’s going to accept. They’ll say, “He sahaja yogi ahe? He Deva, amala tsa waita!“ (meaning: “this is a sahaja yogi? oh God, I am going!”] The other antithesis of this is – in Marathi it’s better said is: [Mother speaks in Marathi.] Is that – even if you cut the throat with a hair, you won’t know the person has cut your throat and still he is talking to you so sweetly.
These are two extremes, which are very dangerous for Sahaja Yoga and for sahaja yogis, the centre is very easy that when you speak to someone, say it with your heart. Say with the blessings of your Atma.
Advice about Chakras.
Mumbai (India), 30 December 1979.
See Translation
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