331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 11/01/2022 - 12/01/2022


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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Importance of Meditation


"Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation are capable of falling down, because meditation is like putting oil into the lamp. THOSE WHO DO NOT MEDITATE, THINK THEY CAN DO WITHOUT IT, ARE SADLY MISTAKEN. They have to meditate morning and evening. The problem is everything comes so handily, so simple that they don’t understand that meditation is very important. Typical. Not you, but there are many I know who get realisation, who don’t meditate. And their style is different. Their nature is different. MEDITATION IS SUCH A SOOTHING THING, SUCH A BEAUTIFUL WAY OF CONNECTION WITH THE DIVINE, THAT ALL YOUR PROBLEMS GET SOLVED IN THAT MEDITATIVE MOOD. If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then maybe your light will go down. It won’t give sufficient light. It’s important, very important to find out about yourself, about others in the meditation.
HOW TO DO MEDITATION, many people ask. DON’T DO ANYTHING, to JUST GO INTO THOUGHTLESS AWARENESS. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you’ve done your job, because that’s the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy, with everything that is so fundamental.
03 - 11 - 2002 .

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sahajayogi has to be like Flower - Strong, never fading Flower


" When it is needed you have to rebuke yourself. When you have to glorify, you should glorify yourself.
So now you separate. You become the mother, the Spirit is the mother, and you, whatever you are which has to grow, is the child. Mother is the ideal, she is the inspiration, she is the power, and the child is the recipient. If the child is an obstinate fellow, then you can’t do anything about it. Also find out – you might be one of them. I know who are they like that.
There are many and you can find them out in no time. Obstinate fellows, if they live with ten people, suddenly we hear reports of their existence. They are quite eloquent, even if they are not talking a word people can tell you: “I had a fight with such and such. That person said such and such a thing to me, that person was so cruel to me, that person demanded this.” You know which person it is, where.
You see, as a diamond can be made out, thorns can be made out also; anytime you go near the thorn, anyone without exception, it will bite everyone. It is not going to spare, it’s a thorn. So a thorn has to be a thorn. But if you are a Sahaja Yogi you have to be a flower. And a strong flower and an eternal flower, that always grows, does not fade out. Always growing, never fades, such a flower you have to be. Then you will be surprised that you do not get into a trip of ego, neither you go into a complete collapse of super-ego”.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, London. 06-11-1983 .

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Approach Yourself and attain state of Nirvikalpa without blaming anyone


we have to mentally approach ourselves. We have to talk to ourselves and say to ourselves, “What are you doing?” What is surrendering? It is enjoyment. It is just enjoyment. “Then why I cannot surrender? What is lacking in me? Am I a very low level person? Am I the one who was just saying I’m a seeker but I’m not? Am I dishonest person that I cannot surrender? If so, what am I proud of myself? If that is the situation, then why am I so much enamoured by my ego?”
What do you have to surrender? A drop has to dissolve into the ocean to become the ocean. And a drop cannot be greater than the ocean, can it be? So, what is the surrendering? Surrendering of our conditionings, of our ego and the artificial barriers we have built around us.
One can approach [it] mentally, one can approach emotionally and also physically we can approach ourselves. We can approach ourselves through mantras, through seeing ourselves, through knowing ourselves. But one should know, this is the greatest of greatest opportunity for you, not for the Divine.
If you are not available the Divine can find its own ways of fulfilling its last culmination of expression. Even to understand how immense the task is you need a surrendering heart. "
" The area of Sahasrara is the realm of God. When the brahmarandhra opens fully then the heavens open within yourself. The Kundalini which has risen up and given you Realisation creates that subtle opening by which the Divine starts pouring all its subtleties inside your brain. But if you’re pressing it from both sides with these balloons, sometimes opening, sometimes closing, sometimes opening, the Divine recedes its attention; you must know that. The attention is receded back and if it is done many a times, the Divine doesn’t bother .
So it is you who has to achieve that state and all of us can achieve that state of nirvikalpa. In that there is just progression. After nirvikalpa you cannot come down. If somebody is still going up and down, up and down, he should know he is still not up to the point and he should face up to himself and tell himself or herself that, “No, I have to be into Nirvikalpa where I do not come down!”
The people who are not in the nirvikalpa state are not going to be saved. I am very sorry to say that. They are not going to be saved. They will be punished. May not be in the same way [as] those who are not realised souls. But they will not occupy the seats in the realm of God Almighty. At least you must reach the state of nirvikalpa. Do not blame any circumstance. Do not blame your father, mother, brother, atmosphere, this, that. There’s no need to blame anyone,” “Because somebody came we were influenced?” What is the matter with you? I’m here – you are not influenced by Me! How are you influenced by somebody who is so stupid obviously, so dominating? That means what is your level? "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Austria . 4th May, 1985 .

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Meditate Every Day and see the Essence of Joy in everything


"But one must remember one principle of sahaja Yoga which is very important. I think one should write it down in your heart. This is very important essence of sahaja yoga, of how to grow, that you should know how to raise your kundalini. You should know how to meditate and to find out about your problems, your defects and then to remove them and to raise your kundalini. If you cannot raise your kundalini you cannot improve in sahaja yoga.
Now the kundalini falls off with many things, as you know, if you have defects. Even if you a weakness for your wife, you worry about her, you think about her or your husband, who is a negative person, the kundalini will be sucked down. It will be sucked down with all these negative attentions, any kind of a negative attention you have, it will be sucked down.
So instead of feeling unhappy about the negativity and making miserable faces, and yourself miserable and me miserable with that, best is to laugh it out, and use that negativity for your positivity. That is what is wisdom, and this wisdom comes through meditation, meditative method. So you must every day meditate and raise your kundalini otherwise you cannot grow by saying.. Mother, I love you, I love you, writing me ten pages letters, which is impossible to read, doing all kinds of things like that and asking me questions morning till evening, nothing, nothing is going to help you, to understand me or to understand yourself or to understand sahaja yoga or to grow in sahaja yoga. You may talk, discuss, do what you like, to understand sahaja yoga, best is to keep very happy. Happy faces, happiness within yourself, joy within yourself. Try to see the essence of joy in everything, don't try to criticize nor to make yourself miserable but to raise your kundalini every morning religiously, every night raise your kundalini.”
H.H. Shri Mataji

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Without the Self Realisation you cannot have the Kalyan


" The Guru is praised more than the Deities and the Gods Who is this Guru? In this, which is the most important shakti? The Guru tattwa is the Shiva. The form of the Shiva’s power we should consider as the Guru’s power. Because when we take the powers from the Guru’s shakti, and when the shaktis come within us then we ourselves become the Guru And with this, we are blessed for the whole life (Kalyan). The one who gets these powers, it seems he has got all the blessings (kalyan). “Kalyan” is a word which is very hard to explain in a few words. “Kalyan” means to get blessed from all the sides. To obtain joy from all the sides. When someone says that in the blessings you have got the Kalyan, what does it mean? What is Kalyan? Kalyan means Atma Sakshatkar, the Self-Realisation. Without the Self-Realisation, you cannot have the Kalyan. Nobody can understand without having it.
All these things are in the Kalyan. Because of this a person gets all the joy, and he becomes radiant. To have this Kalyan, whatever you have to do you have done it all, whatever efforts you have to make it has all been made, the faith which you have to take, you have already taken it. But when you are all in the “Kalyanmarg” (Path of Kalyan), when He has given the mantra to have the Kalyan, what does it mean? It means that the most important thing inside you is samadhan (satisfaction).
Afterwards you all don’t have to search for anything, you have all become the Gurus. You don’t have to take some great things in this moment, but the blessings of this samadhana you all can feel inside yourselves, you all can know inside yourselves you all can enjoy within yourselves. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Pune. 15-02-2004 .
See Translation

Monday, November 14, 2022

Everything becomes Auspicious on the Path of Sahajayoga. Just walk on this path and experience


'Atma is never disturbed or destroyed. Only human attention (Chitta), in pursuit of desires, leaves its inner path. This is Maya (the illusion). She has been intentionally created. Without her, the attention (Chitta) would not have developed. You should not be afraid of Maya and should recognize her so that She will illuminate your path. Cloud hides the sun as also makes it seen. In the same way once the Maya is identified she moves aside and the sun is seen. The sun is always there but what is the purpose of cloud? Because of cloud you have an urge to see the sun which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere. It gives strength and courage to your sight to see the sun. Man has been created with such great efforts. Only one step on his feet and all is successful. But, still it is not becoming possible. Hence, I have come as your Mother.
Write your problems to me in letters. Sit down in meditation. It is best to discuss only Sahaja Yoga even amongst each other. Attention (Chitta) should always be kept going deeper and deeper within. Forget outside as much as possible. Have confidence that everything about it is taken care of. There are many instances to prove it. Then, in whatever you do, your Chitta (attention) remains in oneness with the Self. All bindings of sin (Pap) and merit (Punya) are snapped. Distinctions like worldly and non worldly vanish, because that wicked darkness, which has created all the discriminations, ends. Everything becomes auspicious in the light of true knowledge, whether it is the destruction done by Shri Krishna or the Cross of Shri Jesus.
All this will not be understood by explaining. Just showing the path will not help. The path will be known only after walking on it.
When I get your letters I fix the targets. After some time even that will not be necessary. But, for the present all should write their own experiences and progress. When I come, we will see how many of Virata’s channels (Nadis) you have awakened. It appears, this work will come up in the case of holy land of India, and when fully developed, it will spread in all countries and directions.
When Sahastrara day was celebrated in London today [i.e. May 5th), I invited only about 20-25 people and decided further course of action.
Many blessings and infinite love to all."-Letter to Damle 5thMay.1975


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Protocol to deal with Pictures of Mataji Nirmaladevi


Some Aspects Of The Protocol Of The Picture Of H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
[ by Gregoire de Kalbermatten]

When I was staying in the first ashram of the UK in Finchley, at some point, I took down some pictures of Shri Mataji that were posted on the walls. Someone complained to Her and, as I visited Her in Her flat at Ashley Gardens, opposite Westminster cathedral, She asked me what had happened. I responded that Her pictures were put on revolving doors and on the side of a narrow corridor, there were too many of them, so we could not properly put our attention on them. Her pictures are not a decoration. She approved.

We need to remind ourselves that the pictures of Shri Mataji are a gateway through which the wind of the Holy Spirit can bless human beings. This reality is energizing, it is sacred. The depth of this understanding is not reflected when we put pictures of Shri Mataji on key holders, letterhead, distribution leaflets and other material that is bound to be thrown away. While she said we should not bother if ill intentioned people desecrate Her public posters with graffiti, it is their problem, not ours … ours is still the responsibility to handle Her image with the due sense of protocol.
Her image, with myriads of subtle variations and moods, is manifesting this Saundarya Lahari, this Ocean of Beauty celebrated by Adi Shankaracharya. The protocol of Her image is the expression of our deep understanding, gratitude and respect. Most yogis know how to handle the picture of their guru with love and respect so I will not elaborate on this. Yes, She loved flowers so much, so decorating the altar with fresh flowers is a simple but sure way to please Her. However I recently received queries on the following point.

If we have been given pictures of Shri Mataji that are on material to be disposed of, or damaged, or the picture is blurred, or any other reason we do not wish to keep it, please let us not put it in the waste bin and definitely let us not burn them! If the support material is biodegradable we can put it in the living water, such as a river, lake etc… where the vibrations will be absorbed. For instance if we have a large quantity we can chose to put it in a bag loaded with a stone, so that the material will sink. If the support of the photo is plastic and the picture cannot be removed from its support, better to bury it in the earth.

The choice of the picture is also important. Of course all pictures of Shri Mataji are of Shri Mataji but… She mentioned several times that one should not take indiscriminate pictures of Her and also that … sometimes, the not so good vibrations of the photographer, affect the result. For instance, some pictures have been taken towards the last part of the life of our Mother when She was visibly unwell.

Our Mother was unwell, I reckon, because She took upon Herself the tremendous tapasya that resulted also from accepting in Her spiritual Viratangana Body, a number of us, disciples of considerable spiritual mediocrity. But would She wish us to document this? I am simply not sure that circulating such pictures has been an expression of the discrimination She wished us to have. It is easy to check which picture to use because, this is the case when the right choice is directly certified: we feel the vibrations.
referebce- facebook post by Emmanuel Reymond 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Spread Sahajayoga = Power of Innocence, Light within self, vishwa nirmala dharama


We all have to come out in the public, we have to find out ways and methods. It’s not only the leaders, everybody has to work it out what we can do to spread Sahaja Yoga. In every place you go: how can we give Sahaja Yoga? Of course I don’t want you to change your dresses – but you can carry big badges. People will ask you. You should say, “Yes, this is the person who has given us peace, joy and happiness.” Start talking like that, go to the markets, go to public places.

I go to market just to spread vibrations – you all have to do that, otherwise you will have the Sahaja Yoga enjoyment to yourself , but unless and until you share it you are not going to enjoy it fully. Look at Me. I have all the vibrations of the world. (Laughter) I have everything, I should be such a self-contented person, sitting at home – in meditation. (Laughter) At this age, why should I travel after all? (Laughter) I am the Adi Shakti – why should I worry of making everybody such a powerful shakti people? There’s no need. I should enjoy my powers, I can, but I cannot.
I have to work hard. I give the maximum time to Sahaja Yoga, than any one of you can give. I have a family, I have got my husband. He has a life which is very, very busy life. I’ve got grandchildren. I give the maximum time. Now see, from here to Rome, then to France, then to Spain. You all are having just a relay race. Alright, I am here – Italians are having a little strain. Then they will relax! “Now alright…” (Laughter) Then, what do I do? All the year round I am going from places to places…travelling. And when I have everything. Can you think of a rich man who is busy distributing all the wealth he has, while the others take time to take it? That is what it is.
So I have to tell you that you have to come in a new dimension of your enthusiasm. Sahaja Yoga is not for our enjoyment alone. “We are saints,” so what! For what? For what you are made saints? It’s not that the men should only do, or women should do, or this one should do, or that one should do. Don’t get involved into these temptations. There are thirteen temptations, which came out of the churning. The fourteenth one was a big hunter to neutralise all the thirteen.
Not that Sahaja Yoga wants to tempt anyone, but they become temptations because they are blessings to you, and blessings you start using as temptations. Now, for anybody, to have such a temptation would be more like a horse, which has to go to the south or to the north, is standing and eating the grass. You have to move, movement is the point, you have to move from places to places, you have to go from villages to villages, you have to go from houses to houses. This message has to spread.
Diwali Puja, “Power of Innocence”. Lecco (Italy), 25 October 1987.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Let Love flow from your Heart


" You must understand that whatever is being done by you, is all God’s power, that is, the working of the Adi Shakti and you are only the witnesses to see these miracles. For achieving that stage, you should pray: “May our ‘I consciousness’ fade away. May the truth that all of us are a small part of your being be assimilated within us, so that your Divine bliss would resonate every particle of our bodies and this life would be filled with beautiful melodies enchanting the whole of mankind, and showing the light to the rest of the world”.

Let love flow from your hearts. Love is unlimited. Your love is unlimited. Your attention is on material things and you are talking about eternity. Your attention should merge in eternity, so that you will have eternal life.
You are officials of God’s kingdom – then why are you sulking? All deities are your elder brothers in this kingdom. They are present in many forms along the path of Kundalini. You should recognize them and attain them. Kundalini is your Mother. Learn to always remain under Her care. Be Her child, and She will take you to the Ultimate.
Once you accomplish that, from where everything is born, you will have the rest very easily!
But you are not consistent in the practice of meditation, love, and a peaceful life. You are talking casually even to M koe. But how eager you are in worldly matters! How adamant you become on having what you want! Why are you not casual in that respect instead?
Do not run away from the reality because I am Mahamaya! Attain Me; I am yours! I am for you. I have given you that which has been beyond the reach of very great sages and saints. How will you make use of it? You have been given a very big asset. Thousands of stars and planets were created with just its one wave!
There is great significance to your rebirth. But you, yourselves, have to achieve that – you, yourselves have to find the meaning of “SWA” (Self)! Sahaja Yogis can do it. It is a big contrivance. I have told you the secret, but what have you achieved? Nobody sulks, having been benefited. ‘You are unhappy’ means you have not been benefited!
If you achieve the trick, you will open the gate of Joy and forget yourself, while enjoying the bliss! Nobody becomes happy from worldly matters.
I have given you the key to the treasure, which others haven’t got. But you must work to open the Door! You have taken everything casually. You want Mataji to feed you, to wake you up in the morning, to make you sit in meditation, and to clean you of anger, hatred etc…
Today is the day of Guru Puja. What ‘Guru Dakshina’ (Gif to the Guru) have you given me? Understand that your money is not worth the dust on the feet of your Mother Guru! You should give your hearts – only clean and holy hearts. You must clean your physical beings. Do not be lazy in that. Make a vow! You must get up early in the morning and spend at least one hour on meditation and worshipping. Perform ‘Aarti’ and meditation in the evening.
Satan’s disciples work hard at a funeral place [a dead place]. I cannot understand why you are taking everything so casually! Stop all gossiping! Leave all jealousies and quarrels! Time never waits for anyone. Do you want to go empty-handed, despite having the Key to the Treasure?!
If you do not accept God’s kingdom, Satan’s kingdom will come, and you will have yourself to blame for it!
Remember, because you Sahaja Yogis are dear people, [that] you have been selected as officials. If you ignore it, on the one hand you will be deprived of a great source of joy, and on the other hand, you will lose your authority, due to the incomplete knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Hence, be wise and stand firm! Every movement has thousands of directions. Let your ray; spread in different directions. You will do the welfare to the whole world. Get over your ‘inaction to act’! You are to be captains! Let God’s melodies be sounded from your flutes. Transcend in your feelings above those who have not been realized and blessed, and God’s kingdom will be yours.
May you get that auspiciousness? All my efforts are for that! You have been made like temples. Keep it clean.
Some of you are enjoying yourselves in the ocean of bliss! My blessings are that all of you should be happy. Your worldly life and satisfaction should be of the same level.
A Sahaja Yogi’s satisfaction and the circumstances he is in, are balanced. Both of our legs grow together! If one leg is shorter than the other, you will become lame!
I do not want to tell you to lower the level of your circumstances, if the contentment is less. But a Sahaja Yogi’s satisfaction does not depend on circumstances. He is happy in the circumstances that are prevailing. If he is not, then his satisfaction is superficial, and not from within!
May God grant you an eternal place at
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
(Translation of a Marathi letter published in Normala - Yoga , 1983 no

Sunday, November 6, 2022

God Almighty looks after you if you are completely didicated to Him


" The Divine temperament is generous. It is not bothered, as to what happens next. It’s not bothered, because it is connected with the Source. If you give one you will get a hundred. It is sure about it.
And to a Divine person, worldly things have no meaning, if they cannot give pleasures to others. A person who is very self-indulgent, always bothered about himself, is not a Divine person at all. In no way he’s Divine. It’s very common. It’s human. Everybody does that. Everybody is self-preserving.
But after Sahaja Yoga, you do not start all this nonsense again; you give it up.
And who looks after you? Who looks after your self-preservation? Is God Almighty. You are now completely dedicated to Him, and He looks after you. You don’t have to worry as to how to look after yourself, how to do this, how to do that. It is His work. The more you go on worrying about yourself, the worse it will be. The moment you give it up, it is looked after.
Many Sahaja Yogis must have experienced this in their lifetime: that when they try to give it up, they get all the help from God; but whenever they try to assert, and worry about their well-being and things like that, then there is a problem. You don’t know from where the help comes in.
And we have had so many examples, so many so-called miracles, where people wanted to do something, and suddenly they got the money from somewhere they least expected. So for a Divine person, the attitude should be of giving and of protection: protect.
Now, we are very good at protecting our bhoots, and protecting others who are bhoots.
You see, the sympathies always go to bhoots, because they have a way of creating a sympathetic attitude in your heart. So you start looking after that person because that person looks so much miserable. You have to protect the saints. You have to protect the principle of God, the Divinity in others, and not the bhoots. You are not here to care for all the bhoots of the world."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, London. 14-11-1982 .

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Solve material problems by dissolving attachment


" Except your own Spirit you don’t possess anything. Except for your evolutionary development you don’t possess anything. For example, now you are a saint you’ll be born a saint always – this is what you possess. The rest you don’t possess. It’s logical, logical. You need not to be realised to understand what I am saying. So why should we worry about our possessions?
When you leave this worry, this is another wisdom, this is a higher wisdom which you develop within yourself . And If we leave our possessions, our material problems are solved. ‘Leave’ doesn’t mean you throw them in the sea, but the attachment to it dissolves, and it is solved . "
" How the news has been organised, in the nature you see when the flowers bloom, how these bees come all the way; how the birds fly all the way from Siberia to Australia. What wisdom is that magnetism in them, the magnetism that is in the Mother Earth which tells them this is the way you have to go.
So we have to see to this magnetism within us: what makes us magnetic is not what we put up, what unnatural things we have, but what naturally we have achieved within and we are not afraid to express.
In fear you are never aggressive, but even in fearlessness you are never aggressive. In fear you might say that you are not afraid but you could be aggressive. When people look very frightened, if you push them to the extreme of fright, they can come back, but if you are fearless, you are in the centre, you are just standing there and watching.
Fearlessness never means aggression . "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sydney. 21-03-198