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Friday, March 31, 2023

Expanded Sense of Dharma


The third chakra which is known as the nabhi chakra actually it is known as Manipur chakra rests above this triangular bone and it controls the solar plexus in the gross form in the human beings, and this is the chakra which represents our dharma, our religion. Now when I talk of religion immediately the modern mind gets after me saying what are you talking about these things. When I say dharma I mean ... everything has got religion. For example, you take a mango from the mango tree if you plant it you will get the mango. Or else you can see, as I told you yesterday, that a gold bangle is gold because it is not tarnishable - that is the dharma of gold. The water has got purification dharma. In the same way a human being has got his own dharma which is expressed in the bible as the ten commandments. These are ten dharmas a human being is born with but he has to establish himself into dharma when he has to go into dharmartit state beyond that. But these ten must be established. If these are not established we can play about with dharma. If you play about with them then this is a problem in your awakening and in your realization. The nabhi chakra is the most important one and there rests the great incarnation or we can say the aspect of God we call Narayana himself and Vishnu and his power is Shri Lakshmi. Vishnu represents the subsistence - the dharma aspect of God. And Vishnu is responsible for the evolution of human beings.
We never find out why an amoeba has become a human being. What has made him come up to a level of human being? And what is going to happen to a human being? And after all why is he made into a human being. You are made for some purpose. What is going to happen to this human being afterwards - we never think of that. This evolutionary power comes to us through Shri Vishnu himself. Shri Vishnu is not the Hindu’s God. He does not belong to India; he does not belong to one particular state or one particular area. He belongs in the primordial being - in the great primordial being who we call in Islam ‘Allah hu Akbar’. He is the expression of that primordial being who is great. God has many aspects and one of the aspects is of his greatness. And that’s why as Vishnu he wants us to be great. Yesterday I told you that the body of Viraata contains everything that he manifests and we have to realize that we are a part and parcel of that great virata. And that we are in the process of realizing him because we are made in the image of God.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (23 Jan 1976)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Sahajayoga can Solve all the Problems of Poverty


“Sahajayoga can solve all the problems of poverty.”
Human beings are the greatest creation of God’s love. They have to know what is God’s love is. But when they think of God’s love, also, they just get confused. It is pure divine blessing. It just emits from your being. It just gives, it doesn’t… it doesn’t expect anything. The establishment of our own sustenance is very important…. Sustenance. It’s religion, as I’ve said already; inner religion, you can say. Sustenance. Inner… inner… just like carbon has four valencies, we have ten sustenance of our own. ….
The God, who has created you so beautifully, is going to do something about it. He has made you human beings from amoeba stage, and He is going to make you higher. It is… it is His problem, not yours. You did not create yourself. If He does not do something about it, He will have no meaning. His creation will be lost. If He is the God Almighty, He is going to do something about it.
But this comes because we think we can also do something about it. But all this should come logically with you that you do not do anything. …
But you do all things so seriously that it is most surprising. There is nothing great in creating this building there or there.
There is something, of course, when you do something beautiful, when you are doing it for the pleasure of God, to show Him that you can create beauty, as a reflection. As you have got a beautiful church at Chartres, which was very beautiful — it’s just to glorify Him. But you cannot give Realization, you cannot give baptism. That is all artificial. You can do artificial things, but God-made things are real.
After Realization you do living things: you can raise the Kundalini with your hands, you can give Realization to people. If you give vibrations, say, to a flower, it will sustain life for much longer time. In India, we have some Sahaja Yogis who are professors in agricultural university. They have experimented with these vibrations. They have found out that if you give vibrated water to the soil and have the crop of it, it is sometimes ten times more! It won’t be twenty times — too much — but it would be optimum in the centre. Where they could not grow coconut, with vibrated coconuts they are growing.
We can solve all the problems of poverty if we take to Sahaja Yoga. But you should not ask to be like Mr. Ford. He is too rich for… to enter into the Kingdom of God. Such people are mad! They go on collecting junks after junks. They have no beauty in them. So, after Realization you understand what is the extreme…
Shri Mataji Nirmala Dev
France 22-09-1980
May be an image of 1 person and standing

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Rituals increases your Ego - Shun all Rituals


The people who think that they can control their ego will eat less or use all types of methods to control ego. For example, someone is standing on one leg or other one on his head, all types of efforts they are doing to reduce their ego.
But with all these techniques, ego doesn't vanish. On the contrary, ego increases. Fasting, reciting the names, increases your ego. With Havans also ego increases because Agni, fire, is the right side element. Anything which is rituals increases your ego.
Human being thinks that they are alright, since they are doing these rituals since thousand years. All the wrong teachings they are still following. For this reason Sahaja Yoga is against Karma Kanda, that is rituals. No need to do any kind of Karma Kanda.
And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if you have ego in you.
All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in France with the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that was for sick peoples. This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that he can do it."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
25 December 1997, Christmas Puja
Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Enlightened Devotion


We don’t know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don’t know God. We don’t know ourselves. First we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God. I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South [of India] very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them no where. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm-Chaitanaya our bhakti has no meaning because there is no connection- like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place. You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? It's like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine. He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine. When are you going to take it? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you. Because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy In their heart. They leave their families and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this nonsense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer?
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
17 Jan 1994

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Everyday Meditation is cleansing yourself


Everyday meditation is cleansing yourself...........
I bow to all those who have found the truth and those who are still trying to find. The greatest problem of human beings is, surprising, that they don’t know themselves. They don’t know what powers they have. They don’t know what properties they have. They don’t know to what height they can rise. This is the main problem of ignorance about yourself. If you could just peep in your heart and start thinking about the spiritual life that you could have, you would know you are a treasure, treasure of powers of love, powers of justice and powers of wisdom. ...
If you are a Sahaja Yogi and if you are meditating everyday, you are cleansing yourself. You have a power within yourself which will show its results. It will show its powers and manifestation in such a big way that you start surprising at yourself – 'Is it what I am?' With the Kundalini awakening what happens that all this petty things as we call in Sanskrit, Shadripus, they all drop out. But we must face ourselves. Some people in Sahaja Yoga thinks that we can become a very great people or we’d achieve some great positions and all that. That’s not the point. It’s not outside. It’s not the outside ambition, but the inner light which has to shine through you. ...
Inside is the wealth. Inside is the power. Inside (is) everything that you can think of. There are people I know who never used to come on the stage to speak even. Now, they have become great speakers. And, I am amazed to see how they have been transformed. The greatest transformation is that you know yourself fully well and that with that knowledge you change others. Don’t keep yourself limited to yourself. You have to spread out. This power has been given to you to know yourself fully, and to be confident and to be kind and gentle and talk to people in that way that they know that you are a Sahaja Yogi. ...
If you people develop that knowledge within yourself, you can be dynamic. You will not have ambitions, you will not have some desires, you will not have anger, you will not have greed. All these drop out like that. First of all, we have to know what is our basis. And the most important basis is that we are born in a particular country. And we should get concerned about that. ... Not only India, it’s in every country one has to understand what is the need of that country. What they have to do to improve, to help, to rise, to transform. ... My main concern is that you should have concern for your countrymen. You are so empowered. Your Kundalini has reached that state where you can do a lot. I know some of you have done a lot and have worked out. But still all of you have to do it. ...
It is such a tremendous force I think sitting before me. They can explode all the myths of the world. I know that. But I don’t know how to ignite, what to do, how to tell them. So, now I would again and again tell you one thing, that on this birthday if you really want to give me something then give me this, that you show your confidence and you work it out wherever you are. You don’t have to change atmosphere. You don’t have to change anything. Wherever you are with honesty, with sincerity and with humble nature you can really do a lot. In every country you can do it, and in the whole world you can do it.
This is my greatest desire and I hope, I am a person who is desireless, you will fulfill this subtle desire I have that we should transform the world.
Talk during Birthday Felicitations
2001, Delhi

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Slavery of Mind is cause of Dissatisfaction ,Worries, Problems


Divine speech of the most revered Shri Mataji*
*We keep searching for something without knowing from within, satisfaction is not within us and we do not have the power to tolerate anything, sorry I don't know Nepali language and I have to go to many countries, at least Nepal I can speak in Hindi.*
* So it should be known that why these dissatisfaction, these problems, worries, are there, the reason for this is our mind and this mind which we call, it is an organization created by us, we have created this Kundalini organization. It is made of reactions, one, when there is ego in us, then because of that ego, we react, if someone insults us, or we are angry with someone, or we want to destroy someone, all these things create thoughts in us. A huge storm rises and its bubbles get ready and on the other side we react, they are due to our sanskars, good sanskars are less, bad sanskars are more, because of those sanskars many thoughts get accumulated in us as a reaction and all these thoughts together form an institution called mind within us and with the help of that we move, we do slavery to it, just as now we have made a clock and we do slavery to the clock, we are slaves to the clock. Do and with the help of that slavery we go on being tied, we made computer, now we do slavery to it, in the same way we have made up our mind and we are enslaved to it, now in this enslavement we do not understand that we stay away from the reality, the reality.
* In the same way, we should go beyond this mind, until we do not go beyond this mind, no kind of peace can be established inside our mind and for that the Supreme Father God has given us a power named Kundalini. Kundalini has been created, by whose awakening we can transcend that mind and attain oneness with the all-pervasive divine power.*
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,
"The greed of the mind is Maya"
*public event*
*16 April 1996*

Monday, March 20, 2023

Treatments for differents parts of the Body


Today is birth day of Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi.  We bow our heads, heart and surrender fully to Adishakti, mahamaya, mata Bhagavati Nirmaladevi.  We owe her whole life, on this occasion have a look at some of the important things told by her for our physical and mental health.  Following are extracts from her one speech. 

Treatments for different parts of the body
- S -
• Not to talk of ‘my’ or ‘mine’… but to say… ‘Mother, it's all yours’…
‘I am yours’… ‘my life is yours’… is a mantra for Sahastrara.
• Be large hearted… and develop that sense, that wisdom that
nobody’s mine… everybody belongs to God.
• This ‘my’ has to drop out… that is why the Sahastrara catches.
• Recognise the Mother… Recognise Sahaja Yoga.
• Listen to whatever Mother has told us, and obey it, as absolutely an ordained thing.
• Keep heart open.
• The only way to be able to keep the Sahastrara open… has to be complete surrender. Surrendering is the opening of the Sahastrara… keep it completely open so that the Nirvikalpa is
established within us.
• Mantras for the Sahastrara include: Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Moksha Dayini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namaha.
• Not to move your neck too much… nor to shrug your shoulders too much… or your hands too much whilst talking… as this can spoil your Vishuddhi.
Is very important to have cotton fabrics for young children - artificial fibres are bad for the skin… so use cotton fabrics.
• Neem boiled in water… and used as a bath… for scabies or any skin troubles. It has a very bitter taste… baddhas run away from it… is a very medicinal thing.
• Clay is good for Sahaja Yogis… for the skin… for sunburn this clay is the one that soothes you.
• Raise the Right side and put to the Left side, with the Right hand 7 times.
• Vibrated salt with water helps the 5 Left side dharmas… absorbing all that is mobile.
• Take sugar for Right side stomach problems.
Stomach (cont'd)
• Vibrated water helps.
• Also you can put the clay of India on the stomach to take out the
temperature… it's a natural way… is very good for the liver.
with love, and be eaten with love, with kind words. Eat only vibrated food.
• It is better to avoid hotel food, which is not cooked with love.
• Photo of Shri Mataji’s Feet is good for superego and ego.
Butter is needed for use of the brain cells… without carbohydrates, butter cannot be retained by the body.
• Sit on ground, with Left hand to photo, Right hand on Mother
Earth, say Ganesha mantra or Atharvasheersha (clears Left side,
means Left Swadisthan first of all).
• Give beautiful flowers to Shri Mataji. Put attention completely, entirely to it - it's not what you give is important… it is how much heart you put into it.
• For Left Swadisthan, put candle near Swadisthan, and another before the photo, Left hand to photo, Right hand on Mother
• Put right hand on Left Swadisthan… and say Nirmala Vidya… or Shuddha Vidya mantra.
• Shoebeat the False Gurus.
• Give up your False Guru mantra. I would like to see how much you are still identified with him. If you are still identified with him, I cannot do anything about it… because evil is evil, and good is good… these mantras are the names of devils.
• Use the Sarva Asatya Guru Mardini and also the Sarva Asura Mardini mantras.
• Those who have been to False Gurus… should put their Right
hand on their heart, because Spirit is your Guru… who resides in your heart.who resides in your heart.
- Sahajvidya -

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Proclaiming of the Universal Nirmala Religion


There was a question that, in America and in England, no trust which is not a religion can be registered. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is the religion, no doubt, is the universal religion, is a religion that integrates all the religion, brings all the principles of religions together and shows the – shows the oneness. It integrates all the incarnations. It integrates all the scriptures. It’s a very integrating great religion which we can call as the universal religion and, in Hindi, it is called as Vishwa Dharma.
Now to make it more particular, I thought that if you say universal religion then it may not be that particular because like the Buddhist, then we have got people who are called after Christ as Christians and after other people according to the incarnations. So this time the incarnation being Nirmala, I thought we can call it “The Religion which is Universal, in the name of Nirmala.” So to make it short, I thought we can call it “Universal Nirmala Religion”. What do you say to that?
Now Nirmala, you’ll be all called as ‘Nirmalites’. Is the one who have been enlightened by Nirmala, it goes, light shabda (word) goes, the word light goes very well with you people because you are enlightened. Others are just lights without any flame. So this is Nirmalites, means the ones who are being enlightened by Nirmala. So if you like the name, we can call it ‘Universal Nirmala Religion’. If that suits your people in the west, I think that’s a good name. So we have now proclaimed and pronounced that this is a religion which is a pure universal religion. When you say Universal Nirmala means pure or immaculate religion. And I hope you are agreeable to that.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Jan 19, 1985

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Through Divine Vibrations you know what is Right or Wrong Karma


Q: What about our karmas ?
A:. Only human beings think they do karmas, animals do not think thus. Because of our ego we think that we do right or wrong, animals do not think thus. Actually, human beings do not know what is right or wrong because they live in relative world. But what is the absolute truth; that you can only know through Divine vibrations. When you become the Divine computer then everyone thinks the same way. Right and wrong becomes clear, like animals can pass a dirty drain without knowing, but human beings will not go there. When you become saints you will know the right and wrong, you cannot do anything wrong, you get a new dimension to know.
However, before that, you have conditionings and you become a closed personality with an ego. But Christ sucks your conditionings and ego. That is the meaning of Christ dying for our sins, for which He is awakened. By His powers He can suck all our sins , hence you need not feel guilty at all because all your Karmas have been sucked.
The idea of suffering comes from people who want to suffer. They say that since you have sinned you must pay for your sins but God does not understand money. Are we going to suffer more than Christ? St. Thomas has talked of nothing but Sahaja Yoga when He said that Almighty Father is so kind , so compassionate, how can He ask you to suffer? He said that our Father is so anxious for us to enter His Kingdom. So, let us rejoice and be happy and give up the idea of suffering. You are not to feel sad and guilty."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Nirmal Fragrance
Page 257.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Prayer - Ask only for Yourself

"Whatever you will ask for, He will give you. Don’t ask for anything else, ask only for yourself:
“Please protect me at Your feet. Give me a place at Your feet. Take this drop in Your ocean. Whatever impurity I have, please remove it”.
Whatever you pray to God, that will happen:
“Please, make me vast.
Please, make me wise.
Please, give me Your wisdom.
Please, give me Your knowledge. Let the whole Universe be blessed. Let there be love in whole world.
Let there be Kingdom of love on earth.
Please, let this lamp burn for that. Let my body, my heart, my mind burn for that”.
Ask whatever is beautiful. He will give you. You ask for ugly, He still gives you. Even when you ask for useless things He gives them to you. So when you ask for real, will He not give you that? Don’t ask superficially but from your heart.
“Please, give me complete satisfaction in my heart, joy in my heart, bliss in my heart, so that the whole world becomes blissful.
Give me love, love that I could love the whole world and that the whole world becomes one in love.
Give salvation to this humanity which is suffering. Take me to Your feet. Cleanse me with Thy love”.
Now see if there is God or not? You can feel it within yourself. He hears you. He understands you. He’s the glory of all the glory. He loves you. He protects you. He guides you. He created you to reveal His love, but accept it.
Any time, any thought is coming you pray and you will be moving in the waves of that ocean which is Unconscious Mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness.
If you cannot become thoughtless, you pray to Him: “Forgive me for what I have done and forgive those who have done harm to me.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mumbai. 09-02-1975 .

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Inherrant Defects in Kundalini


Excellent people are very few. They are born realised. I do not have their problem much. But one has to deal with the people who are in the center. They are looking towards good but have something hanging on to them which is not so good. So for these people there are inherent defects in the Kundalini which we must understand.
The first of them is bad health, physical bad health. One should know that health is very important thing. Because this body is the temple of God.
Do not always say- " Mother cure me, cure me." Just say- " Mother Please keep me in the Spiritual life." You will be cured automatically.
The second hurdle which is Akar manyata. Meaning a person does not want to work it out.
Third is Sanshya which is doubt.
Forth is Pramad. It is one by which we go on faultering all the time.
Fifth is Bhram-
darshan. Hallucination.
Sixth is Vishya- Chitta in which the attention is attracted by objects of your previous identifications where your attention has been.
Seventh people get posseessed and get ideas.
Eight one starts doubting. Mainly those who visited wrong gurus or wrong places.
Humility is the only way to know that there is an Ocean before you have got into the boat alright. But you have to understand a lot. And you have still to attend to your Attention to your Chitta, to your awareness. "

Caxton Hall, London.
10th December, 1979

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Are YOU Progressing WELL


Are you progressing well?

If you know how to get fun out of the so-called discomforts, then you should know you are on the right lines.
As you start becoming discreet automatically, you should know you are progressing well.
As you become more peaceful and your temper vanishes in the thin air as soon as you see somebody attacking you, then know that you are progressing well.
As soon as you see an ordeal or a calamity falling on the personality and you do not get worried about it, then know that you are progressing.
When no amount of artificiality can impress you, then know you are progressing.
No amount of material well-being in others makes you unhappy, no more unhappy, then know that you are progressing well.
So this, once you understand that you are special, you will become humble about it.
Then when it happens to you, that you humble down when you see you have achieved something, that you have some powers, that you are emitting innocence, that you are discreet and as a result of that you become a more compassionate, humbler personality, a sweeter personality, then you should believe that you are in the heart of your Mother.
Where you will grow so fast, that without meditation you will be in meditation.
Without being in My presence you will be in My presence.
Without asking you will be blessed by your Father.
This is what you are in for; and again I welcome you to this new era today on this great day of Sahasrara.
Sahasrara Day, Château de Mesnières, Rouen, France, 5 May 1984
Nirmala Vidya Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book