331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: GHATASTHAPNA- Navaratra first day


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Sunday, October 15, 2023

GHATASTHAPNA- Navaratra first day


Today’s auspicious day is that of ‘Ghata Pujan’. Ghatasthapna is primordial. When this universe was created, many times. The universe has not been created only once but many times. When this universe was created, first they installed the Ghata. What do you mean by Ghata? One needs to understand this very deeply. Firstly, the Almighty resides in the state of Bramhatatva,(universal element or principle). We will call it entropy in English. When there is no movement in this state, when the desire originates in this state or when the Almighty fancies desire then this desire gets established in HIM that something new must be created in this world. Why does He get this desire? It is His desire. To understand why the Almighty has this desire is beyond the understanding of human being. Likewise there are many things beyond the general comprehension of a human being. But as we take them for granted similarly we must accept that God’s wish is His own hobby. It’s His desire, He does whatever He wants to do. This desire gets merged in Him and again gets awakened. Like a person sleeps off and again awakens. After sleeping even if his desires are dormant and are with him, they get activated only when he wakes up. It is same thing with God Almighty. When He has a desire to create nature then all these waves of creation of the universe, of the desire or what we can call as waves or ripples get collected. And after accumulation, the ghat in which they get filled in – this is that ghat.

It is the will power of God Almighty itself. If we separate the God Almighty and his Will Power, and if we can understand it that way. It is same with us. We and our will power are different. This power takes birth first. Till the time you desire something, till then that thing and its realization does not happen. This beautiful enormous world of ours, this too is a result of somebody’s desire. Everything gets activated only after we wish it and to activate God’s desire, we need to separate it from HIM. If it remains included in the God Almighty, then it remains dormant. When it starts its work by separating from HIM, we call it as “Adishakti”.
When this initial state came, then Ghatasthapana happened. This has happened many times since time immemorial. And today also when we do Ghatasthapana, we remember that eternal infinite process. Means during this time (Navratra first day) we do the Ghatasthpana. So keep in mind what a great event this is. That time what the God Almighty desired, before activating it He collected it. This was placed in a Ghat (container), the same desire today is being worshipped by us. We worshipped it today. God Almighty desired it. He made us part of humanity today. He helped us reach this great state. Hence it is our prime duty to bow to His desire. In the language of Sahaja Yoga, we call this as the desire of Mahakali or the power of Mahakali. This is the power of Mahakali and these events that take place for nine days, these are about the various incarnations of this Mahakali. Even today, nothing can happen before the power of Mahakali or the power of pure desire. Hence the power of pure desire is the beginning and the end also transpires in it. First of all, everything emanates from the desire and at the end it merges in it. So this power of Shri Sadashiva, is the Adi Shakti and it moves around as Mahakali Power within us."
1st Day of Navaratri Celebrations, Shri Kundalini, Shri Ganesha, India.
22nd September,1979

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