Our peace is finished because of religions.”
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Our Peace is finished becaue of Religions
Saturday, October 28, 2023
The State of Self Realisation
The Spirit exists; It has Its own powers. But we haven’t felt those powers within us. Once we feel the powers of the Spirit, we are empowered by our own powers which are there. The powers are within us. These are our own powers. We don’t have to borrow from anyone, ask from anyone, they are in ourselves. The Spirit is within us – only thing that Spirit has to give light in our, in our consciousness. It has to come in our consciousness.
In simple medical terminology we can see, say, that the Spirit must manifest Itself in our central nervous system, in our central nervous system, so that we should know what we are doing. Not that we start just jumping on the, on the chair, or some people said, “Oh, we just start doing it.” It is hypnosis. It’s not correct. You are not in conscious mind. You are doing it out of hypnosis. Hypnosis may be coming from outside force. It’s not your force, your awareness, your understanding, your power. It is somebody else’s because you’re not doing it. As matter has a power to overpower us, in the same way there are some material things, I should say, which are very dangerous, which are placed. For example now cancer, take cancer, cancer overpowers you. It’s a very serious thing. Cancer overpowers you; you cannot overpower cancer. Take a very concrete example. Now how is it caused? Doctors say this way, that way. We, Sahaja Yoga can cure cancer, definitely, hundred percent it can cure, it has cured. Many Sahaja Yogis have cured cancer. How? Is very simple. That you become master of yourself and you master the disease also. You master everything. Because the master is within you, it has not come in your conscious mind is the only link is left, and when that happens Yoga takes place, union takes place. We should now completely keep ourselves limited to Self-realization, …Self-realization means to bring your Spirit into your conscious mind. …
So we are still in a transition state as human beings. We have not achieved that state which is called as the state of Self-realization where you become the Spirit – the becoming is the point. Where you become the Spirit you know what you like. You really know what you really like, because you are now the reality, you are not any conditioning, you are no more an ego but you are what you are really, and that is your Spirit. .. Who organizes all that? And this is what one has to realize and that is the All Pervading Power of God that does all the living work. And once you become that – the Spirit – then this power starts flowing through you. ..
Sunday, October 22, 2023
No Technique

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
The Powers of a VIRGIN
Sunday, October 15, 2023
GHATASTHAPNA- Navaratra first day
Today’s auspicious day is that of ‘Ghata Pujan’. Ghatasthapna is primordial. When this universe was created, many times. The universe has not been created only once but many times. When this universe was created, first they installed the Ghata. What do you mean by Ghata? One needs to understand this very deeply. Firstly, the Almighty resides in the state of Bramhatatva,(universal element or principle). We will call it entropy in English. When there is no movement in this state, when the desire originates in this state or when the Almighty fancies desire then this desire gets established in HIM that something new must be created in this world. Why does He get this desire? It is His desire. To understand why the Almighty has this desire is beyond the understanding of human being. Likewise there are many things beyond the general comprehension of a human being. But as we take them for granted similarly we must accept that God’s wish is His own hobby. It’s His desire, He does whatever He wants to do. This desire gets merged in Him and again gets awakened. Like a person sleeps off and again awakens. After sleeping even if his desires are dormant and are with him, they get activated only when he wakes up. It is same thing with God Almighty. When He has a desire to create nature then all these waves of creation of the universe, of the desire or what we can call as waves or ripples get collected. And after accumulation, the ghat in which they get filled in – this is that ghat.
Friday, October 13, 2023
You have to become Absolutely Dharmic
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Sahaja Yoga very effective in problems of addiction of alcohol or anything and also in reducing blood pressure
Shri Mataji:
Now, I would request Dr. Wells, who is in charge of seven hospitals in London, has, is luckily with us and he will tell you how he has cured patients with sahaja yoga, who suffered.
Brian Wells:
Shri Mataji – good afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is Brian Wells. I’m a consultant psychiatrist in the Riverside Health Authority of London and I sub-specialize in the field of substance misuse which is problems with drugs and alcohol. I’m going to be very brief. My own experience in sahaja yoga began in 1982 and I was very skeptical, I was a very cautious Westerner who was very wary of things that were Indian and I have to say that since 1982 my own life is changed dramatically as a result of the albeit originally very gradual practice of sahaja yoga and my own health, my own career, my own well-being has improved enormously. Professionally, I work particularly with heroin addicts. I have to say that I have never seen heroin addicts improve, give up drugs and experience a well-being and a joyfulness like the people who we have in sahaja yoga, who come into sahaja yoga and they give up their drugs and experience a whole different way of living, a whole different attitude which is based on these very fundamental principles as taught by Shri Mataji.
It’s not a form of treatment that is widely used in the West but it’s beginning to spread. Similarly a number of people in sahaja yoga had very serious alcohol problems when they arrived. These people are now completely alcohol free, living very balanced, very normal and very spiritual lives. My own addiction to nicotine was terminated gradually as I came into sahaja yoga and I found that gradually it became unnecessary to smoke cigarettes and it became important to be healthy, to be the right weight, to be a balanced person, to be married, with children leading a normal, healthy life. My own interest in human well-being have moved beyond addiction and I’ve been very fortunate in being able to travel to Finland and to the United States this year largely to present the work of Dr. Deepa Chugh that has already been referred to by the professor. In Finland we presented his work at a Physiology conference which was full of very skeptical Western Scientists who were interested in atoms, molecules, enzymes and I stood up on stage and the audience thought I was a little bit crazy talking about sahaja yoga and it’s affects on hypertension but as I talked it became clear that actually the results of sahaja yoga are very spectacular indeed. The people who practice sahaja yoga, after sixteen weeks were on no medication at all and their blood pressure had come down from a very high and dangerous level to a very acceptable level and the people in the audience had to notice this and came up afterwards and were impressed and as a result of their suggestions, Dr. Chugh is now publishing his work in the international medical press. A few weeks ago, I was in Boston and I presented this work again at a huge conference of American Chest and Cardio-thoracic medicine and again we stimulated a great deal of interest because as Professor mentioned a lot of people are now interested in ways of treating blood pressure, treating chest diseases with methods that do not involve the use of medication and sahaja yoga is something that’s considered unusual by many Western trained doctors but the results that Dr. Chugh has achieved are indeed very spectacular and we have now a number of very eminent researchers in United States and in Europe who are interested in comparing the effects of sahaja yoga against drug treatment and against other forms of realization therapy.and So from my own standdpoint, sahaja yoga is the best treatment I know for addiction of all kinds whether it is addiction to drugs, to alcohol, tobacco, to food or to other forms of behaviour. It’s a system of becoming balanced, – becoming healthy and becoming whole. Thank you for your attention – Thank You Shri Mataji! –
reference - https://www.amruta.org/1990/01/13/press-conference-and-scientific-discussion-mumbai-1990/
Sunday, October 8, 2023