Sunday, December 31, 2023
Wisdom is an innate quality of anyone who is a Sahaja Yogi.”- Shri Mataji (15.12.1991)
…….Ganesha was created to spread or to emit auspiciousness and holiness. Actually, if there is holiness there is auspiciousness. For Ganesha is the one actually who cleanses everything, cleanses everything because it is innocence and the innocence that cleanses you takes away all kinds of conditioning and egos that are distracting your attention…….. With that good attention you can really do so many things like now, for example, you can see the software. Good mathematics. They’re very good at music because all these things require tremendous attention. Art, dancing, anything which requires tremendous attention, that has to come only through Ganesha. Because they say Ganesha is a giver of wisdom. He’s a giver of wisdom. Means just His wisdom becomes just a dharma, becomes a part and parcel of your being. You become just wise. Now somebody may ask, Ò Mother how to become wise. It’s very difficult to say how to become wise. It is just that it happens that you become wise. So, though He’s a child, He’s so matured. He’s so wise. And He’s not only that, but He emits wisdom and this wisdom is an innate quality of anyone who is a Sahaja Yogi because in him, also, Shri Ganesha has been awakened.
So he becomes a wise person, very wise, and with wisdom what does he achieve? He achieves a balance, a proper ascent and also he understands that this ascent is for his benevolence, for the benevolence of his country, benevolence of the whole world. He understands the importance of Sahaja Yoga*. Without this wisdom, one cannot understand. And this wisdom is within us, just absolutely, innately built in. Only thing is we have to use the storehouse of this wisdom that is within us…
Now, we might think that wisdom is there with us and we know how to do so many things with our wisdom and now we are absolutely wise. Agree, with Sahaja Yogis, now they have become really very, very wise and they know how to use their wisdom.
But still, faith in themselves really has to be of the Nirvikalpa state. That is only possible also through Shri Ganesha because He is in Nirvikalpa. He has Nirvikalpas, nothing. He doesn’t have to question anything. He doesn’t have to ask for anything. He is just there. And He’s in complete Nirvikalpa. Complete, absolutely into a state where He is not at all attached, nor is He worrying about things, nothing of the kind. He is just in Nirvikalpa and in that Nirvikalpa He worships Mother.
(An extract from talk of H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Ganesha Puja. Pune, India, 15th December 1991.)
Friday, December 29, 2023
Many of the devotees of mataji nirmaladevi gets various kinds of experiences, many of them really miraculous. Her love, affection, compassion, protection for all her children- sahajayogis is well know. following is one of the experience naratted by one by Hema Chandrahasan,
My Carelessness and Mother’s Compassion
Shri Mataji’s protection has saved me from many mishaps. I am sharing the latest one, while on a holiday with my family, before Christmas. We had a good time at Pondicherry with footsoaks in the sea and visit to the Sahaja Yoga ashram. Our next destination was Srirangam famous for Shri Ranganatha temple and the svayambu deity of Shri Vishnu in a reclining pose, with Shri Devi and Shri Bhoomadevi, in front of him. This idol was worshipped by Shri Rama and his ancestors.
We had to board a train from Villupuram to reach Srirangam. We were sitting on a granite bench after changing platform. The train arrived and I quickly picked up a trolley suitcase as did the others. It was a long walk to our coach. Just managed to get in when the train started moving. I found my seat, sat down, and realized that my handbag is missing. The handbag contained my mobile, house keys, suitcase keys, ID cards and cash. Immediately I got up and raised the alarm. The person sitting behind my seat happened to be a railway policeman, not on duty. He said he can help. We put bandhan and prayed to Shri Mataji.
The policeman called up the station from where we departed and told them to look for the handbag. Within a few minutes they called back to covey that the bag had been found and everything was intact. I said a silent thanksgiving prayer to Shri Mataji. My husband got down at the next station, went back and collected my handbag. Finding a handbag after 20 minutes, in a crowded railway station, is amazing and can be only thorough the grace and compassion of Shri Mataji.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Limitations of Science
In today’s times when science is more prevalent, talking about God is laughable, and talking about God’s love is all the more laughable. Like I had mentioned yesterday, especially in India, the scientists here have not reached a state where they can think about God, it is sad to know. Whereas, in foreign countries, scientists have reached a state where they are unable to scientifically explain what’s next and they also say that, it is correct that whatever we know is falling in the parameters of science but what we know is nothing. The source of this knowledge is some weird thing that we are unable to understand. Like big scientists of Chemistry say that these periodic laws are beyond our understanding. It is a unique invention done so beautifully. The way each atom and molecule is designed. The way each atom contains a whole universe, this is beyond our understanding. They say that we can never invent something like this. We even can’t explain how this was invented. This earth is rotating at a particular speed and how and how the gravity is working on it? We can tell that it is working but how is it working, science cannot tell. Great scientist like Einstein, has repeatedly said that there is some unknown land from where we are receiving all this love. And the countries which have achieved great heights in science, they have all the facilities, they all have sufficient food, they are prospering. People say they are affluent, they have a lot of money but their children have left homes and ran away. They all are roaming like sanyasis (ascetics). Some are running to India, some to Nepal. They are saying that leave all this. We don’t know what our parents have collected all bricks and stones we are not going to sit behind them (follow them). But despite leaving all this, these children now have become hippies, taking all kinds of drugs. But you cannot achieve God by all this. Man tries to rationalize all this through his intelligence and reaches a point where he says there is some Power beyond this.
No I am not going to tell you this. I am going to tell you what is living. The actualization of the experience. For so many years, leave aside our Yog Shastras (scriptures), but even big psychologists and philosophers from foreign countries, what they have spoken is how to achieve the subtle state from this gross state. Our brain is gross, our thoughts are gross. How to achieve the thoughtlessness through the thoughts, how to achieve the infinite through the finite? Since ancient times this big question has been facing mankind. Today, I have brought those answers to you.
God’s Love (Parmatma ka Pyaar), Public Program, Bal Mohan Mandir, Mumbai (India) - 1975-12-26-
Sunday, December 24, 2023
We are resurrected people, Christ has resurrected us. But you have to think how much he has to work for us. The more you try to be in unison with negativity, we harm him more, we torture him more, we trouble him more. The one who was born in the manger in the most difficult circumstances. Where everybody requires comfort, who was from the very beginning, went through hazardous life till his death. His birth itself, you can see, was in a cowshed. None of you are born in a cowshed. And while the Christians are so particular about comforts, most surprising is, while Christ was born in a cowshed. In a very, very cold night Christ was born. Nothing much to cover: sparkling, beauty it was.
Now we have to keep him, within ourselves, comfortable. We are not going to give him that manger in our Agnya Chakra. Manger of thoughts and a crown of thoughts – that we are not going to give him. We are going to make him comfortable by not accepting negativity as a sympathy. You have to be kind towards your auspiciousness and holiness so that Christ enjoys his stay there in your Agnya – that we do not torture him by our useless ideas, uncomfortable behaviours, inauspicious appearances and unholy acceptance of wrong ideas.
Try to respect Him. There he stands, try to make him very comfortable. I wish I could do that but he resides in everybody’s Agnya Chakra. If he was only in my Agnya I would have given him the greatest comfort. But he wants to be manifested in everybody’s Agnya. So I have to request you, as a Mother, to look after him. Give him a nice cradle, give him a comfortable time because he’s born to give you your resurrection. He’s taken up such a great responsibility to suck all your conditioning and to suck all your ego, but that does not mean that you put stones on top of him.
It’s like, sometimes I find the conditioning of some of the people in the West is so great that a big mountain is falling on this little child. And sometimes I find a bad breath, horrible breath of ego, which stinks, blowing like a big wind towards him, and a horrible stink coming out of this terrible type of a ego which is absolutely not the way to treat the King of Kings who is born within you. You are so respected that Christ is born within your Agnya but you must respect your Agnya Chakra. Your attention should be in the centre so there’s no wobbliness. Imagine put a child, like they say – a child is to put on the winds.
So this Agnya Chakra is to be kept very clean, healthy and holy. The attention should be holy. The attention outside is still not very holy, should be detached attention. If you start seeing through your Agnya it should project a power of holiness so that anybody who looks at your eyes should know that serenity is flowing from these eyes and not lust and greed and aggression. All this we can achieve because we’ve got Christ within our Agnya. Accept him there. He’s born – let him grow. I am sure Sahaja yogis will understand the importance of the Agnya Chakra.
Speech on Christmas Eve, Pune (India), 24th December, 1982.
Friday, December 22, 2023
God who is the source of beauty, cannot see its own beauty, like a pearl cannot enter into itself to see its beauty, like the sky cannot understand its own beauty, the stars cannot see their own beauty, the Sun cannot behold its own brilliance, in the same way God Almighty cannot behold His own being. He needs a mirror and that is how He has created this beautiful universe as His mirror. In this mirror He has created now beautiful things like the Sun, then the Sun has to see his own reflection also. So He has created these beautiful trees to see that when he shines, they come up so well and look so green.
Then He has created those birds to rise early in the morning to greet the Sun, so the Sun knows that: “Yes, I am there, I am existing”; or else He has created these beautiful lakes for these trees to see their reflection and the lakes to feel their existence when the ripples start moving within themselves.
So then He created human beings. The human beings cannot also see their own beauty, their own glory. That is why they are in the darkness, they are ignorant. They cannot see what lies within themselves. So they are running after something which is absolutely against themselves, which is ugliness, which is self destructive. And the struggle to get to reality is such a lot, that as a result, they destroy themselves. Like as people have taken to these drugs, taken to all bad habits – of in this place, they say a lot of smuggling going on – and all such endeavors that people take up because they do not know what beautiful things they are.
So now a mirror has to be created for them, to see for themselves how beautiful they are. Their mirror is their Spirit. That Spirit is to be brought in their consciousness, in their attention. If it comes in their attention then they can see their image.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Monday, December 18, 2023
Learn to Love Each Other and not to Hate Anyone
First thing we must learn is to love each other and not to hate anyone. There are so many ways of hating, this also human quality. Animals do hate because they are animals. Human beings can’t be animals. We are human beings and as human beings what we should have is love, affection and no hatred of any kind. Now as you are Sahaja Yogis I would say that you should try to develop your loving capacity instead of fighting capacity or criticizing others. Very easy to criticize. But try to understand that our soil itself has no fragrance.
How are we to bring fragrance to this soil? This is only if people live here have affection and love for each other.
This is the most important thing. When creation took place it was only through affection, otherwise what was the need for nature to create all these things, all this is for what?
To make you feel beautiful, all these trees are beautiful to make you feel good, to feel one with the nature. In that way we human beings have not contributed. Now I’m not saying Sahaja Yogis, they are rare and they are wonderful and they have done a good job because they consider love the highest. But you have to show to others also that you want to love them because they should love each other.
The whole world is created because there was love, otherwise what was the need to waste energy on these continents and all these different countries? Was not to fight, was not to hate each other or to think no end of yourself but to love each other, to have more brothers and sisters, as in Sahaja Yoga you feel that way you have brothers and sisters all over. Today when I was coming I was so happy to see there were people from all over Europe and also from India. How is it possible? Because you have developed that love, because you have that love that innate love so wherever you go, wherever you meet people they should say that we have seen Sahaja Yogis who are nothing but love. "
"There is no difference in what Christ has preached or these people have preached there’s no difference. Only thing is there is no proper translation, there’s no proper understanding of all these things that they have all said the same thing, because truth is the same. How can there be two truths? Truth is the same and you feel the cool breeze coming out of your head.
When John the Baptist talked about baptism he meant this, he didn’t mean the way we do baptism, just call somebody, put some water on the head and say, “Oh now you are baptized.” That’s just a drama you can see it so clearly. Anybody who’s thinking, can see it’s just a drama to say that you’re baptized.
Baptism is a living process and in that you must see this germinating power within you that rises up and gives you this self realization. It should happen to you in a way that you should feel it. You should feel the cool breeze in the hand, you should feel this thing within you, first of all. Now once you’ve got this then you’ll be amazed that you’ll become absolutely peaceful, within you you’ll feel absolutely peaceful and you’ll feel relaxed as if you’ve solved the (inaudible/ person) or you can say as if the drama is over. You’ll become like a witness, the whole thing will start looking like a witness that you are watching the drama, there’s nothing serious about it.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
“ Solution of our physical, mental, emotional problems.”
….bhoot bhadha. Means, the obstruction from the past.” Now they don’t believe in a sort of a dead body or a dead person can invade human being. They don’t believe. Though Christ removed the, what you call, devils from the people like that. But they don’t believe. Even in Quran there is a mention like that. But that is aright in Quran. That is alright in bible. But as far as the belief in the human being there is, they don’t believe. Now if I tell them that the psychosomatic troubles comes from the left side attack, left side attack, that is from the past, from the things that have gone out of circulation from evolution or you can say dead bodies, the dead persons, the dead personalities they will just refuse it, to listen to it. But if unless and until you believe in it and you experiment with it how will you be able to eradicate this bad thing. So that is not only there. Every country has this problem. Every country even England is also full of it. I mean of course advance countries like America is much worse. To add up to that lots of false gurus went to America and have done this one. So on this point also people don’t want to agree. But whether you agree or not tomorrow you will have to come to it. Because if you want to get cured of your psychosomatic troubles, even cancer, even AIDS, all these diseases come only by the attack of these small small particles of these viruses which were left out of our circulation through evolution. That will be seen. That is a knowledge to be seen very clearly. Now in sahaja yoga many people have been cured of cancer, no doubt. Also of AIDS they are cured. So many people have been cured. It’s not, I am not telling you something false. But for that one has to understand that there is some power beyond us, something much beyond. Like Einstein himself has said that there is a kind of an area which he calls as torsion area which you will see in one of these things, torsion area which is beyond our human personality. He calls it, we have to be a vacuum ourselves. We should not exist anymore as physical, mental or emotional being. When you go beyond that if there is a vacuum then only you can feel the torsion area he’s clearly said it. But he was a realized soul himself. So whatever he says people want to doubt you see, whether it is this and that?. So with rationality we start doubting. But not to believe in Einstein shows how arrogant we are. After all Einstein is saying there must be some in it. Like that the whole world is going on and on a very superficial basis. Now our sahaja yoga is a very different thing. It is that we all human being have a special power, a residual power within us called kundalini which resides in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum. Now the sacrum bone means it’s the sacred. That means Greeks knew about it, that’s the sacred bone. And this power when it rises from here goes through the, we call it a sushumna nadi, the central path of the thing and pierces through the fontanel bone area then you get the actualization of baptism. Then you become a Muslim, then you become a Hindu otherwise you are not. So it has to come out of your fontanel bone area and has to go to that torsion area….
Mohammad sahib has said very clearly, your hands will speak at the time of kiyama. At the time of last judgement we can call it or the last resurrection. Your, your hands will speak. Your hands will speak. That means they will show, your hands will show what centers you are catching. Can you imagine when He said that nobody tries to analyze how can our hands speak. But your hands will speak he has clearly said. And that is what happens to you that you see your fingers showing you whether you are catching this centre or this center or this centre. This is actualization. This is not just talking. This is not only just describing something but it happens to everyone and should happen. As a result what happens all these centers are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So they all get enlightened. They get integrated. Also they are nourished. So all our physical, mental, emotional problems get solved and we become spiritual. Now whatever country you may belong to whatever religion you may belong to you have every right to become spiritual. And when you become that you will be amazed to see that so many qualities within us start showing. The first and foremost quality that comes to you is you get a new dimension in your awareness. And what is that is collective consciousness. You become collectivity conscious. Means you can feel another person. You know what’s the problem with that. With love not with anger, with love, you feel one with another person. Ones this happens all the quarrelsome things will disappear. The whole world can be changed and transformed…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1998-1214 Public Program, New Delhi.
Friday, December 8, 2023
Feel Your Own Security and then enjoy the Joy of that Security
In small, small things we destroy our security…. The complete security within yourself is that you are the Self and these things are not important. If you are a secured man, your children will also find that out, that their security lies in finding their own security. They themselves will say, “Now don’t try to help us, to spoil us. Do not give us things by which we feel more insecure.” And such children will be really brave children like Shivaji was. His mother gave him all the protection, no doubt, but she made a Shivaji out of him….
Feel your own security and then the joy of that security will take you to your depth. Why are you insecure in life? Money? The person who has got, who has got now the blessings of the Divine, what more does he want? Because your God is almighty, nobody’s might is greater than that of your Father. Nobody can touch you on any point. But your faith is lacking and that’s why you should start with your faith in yourself. Make the faith sit in your Heart chakra and that faith is going to give you the joy of security. Faith is the answer for all the insecurities of the world…. The essence of the Heart chakra is to feel your own security, your own Self. Feel your own security within yourself. Only the realised can feel their security because they know they have their atma, their spirit.
H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ,1979
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Shake Off Your Slothfulness Today
Shake off your slothfulness today!
‘Today, specially, I have to speak to people who feel weak to follow Sahaja Yoga, who are fickle minded, those who lack strength, those who are afraid of taking Sahaja Yoga seriously. It is very important that fickle mindedness must be seen clearly – why we are fickle. Mostly it might be the ego that is stopping you from doing something that is very, very important.
The ficklemindedness comes to us by various ways, as I said one of them is ego. A fickle minded person can be frightened by his own ego and he may stop doing Sahaja Yoga after going up to a point, because the ego might say now, “Here forward, if you go, there is a tunnel in which you cannot enter. You should not go any further. It’s very dangerous.” It could be marred by your Sloth. Sloth is the curse of this country I feel. It’s the curse of the Sahaja Yoga also. …
Meditation is very important after Sahaja Yoga. You have slept and slept all your life. Sleeping is not so important. You have to today promise Me that, from tomorrow, you all are going to get up in the morning and meditate. I was suggesting that if you take your baths in the morning would be better, so that you won’t have your sleepy condition.
Sloth is such a devious thing that you do not see it. It explains everything. If you say, “Oh I am sick” it will say, “Oh you are so sick you should go to the hospital”. If you say, “I’m tired” it will say, “You are extremely tired”. Why should you be so tired? It is nothing but your Sloth is telling you that, “You are extremely tired, you better not do meditation now you are extremely tired. You better take some rest, is important”.
Sloth is worse than super-ego and ego. Is a kind of an inertia which pulls you down, and that inertia you have to really throw away and get out of it. Because it explains everything, you like it, because it gives you little comfort, and you want to rely on your Sloth. But Krishna has said in Gita, that Sloth is the worst thing that can happen to human beings. If they take to Sloth, if they accept Sloth, they will have all explanations for being Slothful. He, “Alasya”, He calls it, is the worst disease according to Him, for any aspirant of spiritual life.
You may think that, “You see I’m not well now” or anything, Sloth can give you any ideas. Because I don’t have that so I don’t know what ideas it gives you but it can give you any kind of idea that would be very, very appealing to you because it knows how to please your ego.
Sloth is a ego- satisfying thing, ego-pampering stuff, and it makes you feel that, “Oh you are very tired”. What are you tired about? You are all young people, why should you be tired? You get tired so soon, is nothing but your Mr. Sloth telling you you are tired. You will be surprised, after feeling tired [if] you run for two miles, you can run. …
Laziness is the worst thing today. I know today is not a day to say all these things, but you all have to promise to Me that you are going to give up your laziness – Swaha. That’s what I have seen that, whenever I meet you people you are caught up.
Another thing which goes against Sahaja Yoga is, I have told you hundred times, I don’t know how many times, is to talk ill about other Sahaja Yogis. We are all part and parcel of one body, say we are all part and parcel of one hand. Now if this finger starts talking ill about this one, what is it going to do?
Talking ill about each other is a very wrong thing. So today also decide that, “We will never talk ill about anybody else but we’ll look at ourselves – what is our position.”
I’ve seen people passing remarks about other people who themselves are very badly caught up, and not worried about themselves. Now, by this, how are you going to improve? If you do not pay attention to yourself, and pay attention to others you cannot improve.
So another promise should be that, “We will not talk ill about other Sahaja Yogis.” But no Sahaja Yogi should take anything for granted. We have to really work very hard. So second habit of talking ill about other Sahaja Yogis should be Swaha, and thinking even about it.
You are absolutely cutting the threads of Sahaja Yoga, which I have very sweetly woven. Now you would be generous to Me, I know. You can be very generous, you have given Me a very beautiful painting, I am very thankful to you. But try to do it to others also – generosity. You should be really bound together and you can see then what we can produce.’
Birthday Puja Talk: Guarding Against Slothfulness. London (England), March 23rd, 1980. -excerpt
Sunday, December 3, 2023
The Owner of Everything is GOD
However, in a seed,
which is a material thing, it has no consciousness to do it. It’s a very subtle
question, try to understand. The seed, in itself, is unable to germinate
itself. He has a certain other power inside, placed by God, that makes him
sprout. He can't do it alone.
This power is God inthe seed and also in the earth. The germinating power, that power that makes it
capable is Shakti, but the seed is unaware of it. When you reach the human
stage, you must know this power and you must become aware of it; and this (process)
is the realization of the Self.
The energy that
created you, the energy that has given you all these three powers - Ida Nadi,
Pingala Nadi, the whole Kundalini and everything - that is the desire of it
all... To understand this, we can draw a similarity: a homeowner – I hope it
works, but you know how confusing human minds can sometimes be – we suppose
that a homeowner walks into the house and, with his money, accomplishes
whatever he wishes to do for it. Then he comes out, he doesn’t stay there. When
you see it, when you see an entirely built house, you see the energy of all the
workers who did the work and of someone who built everything; but you don’t
know whose desire it is that they fulfilled. In the same way, you have seen the
creation of your body, you also see this mind that you have, you can see your
emotions which are obviously there; you can also see that you are human beings
and you can also notice that you are very different from animals.
And if you have a
little wisdom, you also understand that you are much wiser than anything
created so far. Also, if you’re a little far-sighted... [speaks sideways in
But the power to
desire, the power of desire or, say, the power of projection, or the power of
the one who owns everything, the power of the owner – in short, I don’t know
how you consider the owner of everything – He (the owner of Everything) is God.
Friday, December 1, 2023
CHANDRAGANTA - One Who bears the Moon around Her neck
"So many powers Mother has to have to protect her children and to look after them. These powers are all there, working relentlessly all the time-24 hours. So anybody who surrenders to Mother, these powers express themselves and try to help you out of your problems. But first thing is surrendering. If you are not surrendered, if you are not in the kingdom of God, then this is not the responsibility of the Mother. Then it might be that some negative force might take over and destroy you"
- H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
13th October 1988
Guru Brahma, guru Vishnu, Guru Devo MaheshwarahGuru Sakshat Parabrahma, Shri Mataji Nirmala Ma.Tasmai Shri Guruveh Namaha.
Our Guru is the Great Mother. All Her Shakti and Yogini aspects are available for Her children. By reading The Kavach of The Devi, we mobilise these powers to purify and enlighten our Koshas (our mental, emotional and physical bodies). Thus by the Power of the Gurumata The Atma becomes The Guru of the body. While reading the Kavach of The Devi one should put one's attention on the aspect or the part of the body which is protected. One may also, while reading, pause between the Names and silently take the corresponding mantra, for example:
Om Twameva Sakshat, Shri Chandi Namoh Namah
The Kavach should be read aloud. It washes away the 'catches' and bathes the children in Divine Vibrations. May the wisdom and compassion of our Satguru flow through us and reach the four quarters of the earth.
Amen In the Name of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,the merciful, the compassionate.The protection of Shri Chandi.Salutation to Shri Ganesha. Salutation to Shri Saraswati.Salutation to Shri Guru. Salutation to the Deity worshipped in the family,that is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.May there be no obstacle.
Amen. Salutations to Narayan. Amen. Salutations to Naranaratam, that is, Shri Vishnu. Amen. Salutations to the Goddess Saraswati. Salutations to Ved-Vyasa, that is, Sage Vyasa, the all knowing.
Now begins the "Kavach" of the Devi.
The Presiding Sage for Shri Chandi-Kavach is Brahma, the metre is Anushtup. The Presiding Deity is Chamunda; The Main Seed is "Anganyasakta Matar". The Principle is Digbandha Devata. It is recited as part of Sapta-Shati, to please Jagadamba. Amen. Obeisance to Chandika.
Thus spoke Markandeya:
1) Amen. O Brahmadeva, please tell me that which is very secret and has not been told by anyone to anybody else and which protects all human beings in this world.
Brahmadeva said;
2) Brahmin, there is Devi Kavach which is most secret and useful to all beings. Please listen to that, O Great Sage.
3-5) The following nine names have been told by the Great Soul Brahmadeva Himself. Durga is known by these names:
1st SHAILAPUTRI Daughter of the King of Himalayas
2nd BRAHMACHARINI One Who observes the state of Celibacy
3rd CHANDRAGANTA One Who bears the Moon around Her neck
4th KOOSHMANDA Whose Void contains the Universe
5th SKANDAMATA Who Gave birth to Karttikeya
6th KATYAYANI Who incarnated to help the Devas
7th KALARATRI Who is even the destroyer of Kali
8th MAHAGAURI One Who made great penance
9th SIDDHIDATRI One Who grant Moksha
6-7) Those who are frightened, having been surrounded by the enemies on the battlefield, or are burning in fire, or being at an impassable place, would face no calamity, and would never have grief, sorrow, fear, or evil, if they surrender to Durga.

9) The Goddess Chamunda sits on a corpse, Varahi rides on a buffalo, Aindri is mounted on an elephant and Vaishnavi on a condor.
10) Maheswari is riding on a bull, the vehicle of Kaumari is the peacock, Lakshmi, the Beloved of Shri Vishnu, is seated in a lotus and is also holding a lotus in Her Hand.
11) The Goddess Ishwari, of white complexion, is riding on a bull and Brahmi, Who is bedecked with all ornaments is seated on a swan.
12) All the mothers are endowed with Yoga and are adorned with different ornaments and jewels.
13) All the Goddesses are seen mounted in chariots and very angry. They are wielding conch, discus, mace, plough, club, javelin, axe, noose, barbed dart, trident, bow and arrows. These Goddesses are wielding their weapons for destroying the bodies of demons, for the protection of Their devotees and for the benefit of the Gods.
16) Salutations to You, O Goddess, of very dreadful appearance, of frightening valour, of tremendous strength and energy, the destroyer of the worst fears.
17) O Devi, it is difficult to have even a glance at You. You increase the fears of Your enemies, please come to my rescue. May Goddess Aindri protect me from the east. Agni Devata (God- dess of Fire) from the south-east, Varahi (Shakti of Vishnu in the form of the boar) from the south, Khadgadharini (Wielder of the sword) from the south-west, Varuni (The Shakti of Varuna the rain God) from the west and Mrgavahini, (Whose vehicle is the deer) may protect me from the north-west.
19) The Goddess Kaumari (The Shakti of Kumar, that is Karttikeya) protect me from the north and Goddess Shooladharini from the north-east, Brahmani, (The Shakti of Brahma) from above and Vaishnavi (Shakti of Vishnu) from below, protect me.
20-21) Thus Goddess Chamunda, Who sits on a corps, protects me from all the ten directions. May Goddess Jaya protect me from the front and Vijaya from the rear; Ajita from the left and Aparajita from the right. Goddess Dyotini may protect the top-knot and Uma may sit on my head and protect it.
22-23) May I be protected by Maladhari on the forehead, Yashswini on the eye-brows, Trinetra between the eye-brows, Yamaghanta on the nose, Shankini on both the eyes, Dwaravasini on the ears, may Kalika protect my cheeks and Shankari the roots of the ears.
24-27) May I be protected by Sugandha-nose, Charchika-lip, Amrtakala-lower lip, Saraswati-tongue, Kaumari-teeth, Chandika-throat, Chitra-ghanta-sound box, Mahamaya-crown of the head, Kamakshi-chin, Sarvamangala-speech, Bhadrakali-neck, Dhanurdhari-back. May Neelagreeva protect the outer part of my throat and Nalakoobari-windpipe, may Khadgini protect my shoulders and Vajra-dharini protect my arms.
28-30) May Devi Dandini protect both my hands, Ambika-fingers, Shooleshwari my nails and may Kuleshwari protect my belly. May I be protected, by Mahadevi-breast, Shuladharini-abdomen, Lalita Devi-heart, Kamini-navel, Guhyeshwari-hidden parts, Pootana-kamika-reproductive organs, Mahishavasini-rectum.
31) May Goddess Bhagavati protect my waist, Vindhyavasini-knees and the wish-fulfilling Mahabala may protect my hips.
32) May Narashini protect my ankles. May Taijasi protect my feet, may Shri protect my toes. May Talavasini protect the sole of my feet.
33) May Danshtrakarali protect my nails, Urdhvakeshini-hair, Kauberi-pores, Vagishwari-skin.
34) May Goddess Parvati protect blood, marrow of the bones, fat and bone; Goddess Kalaratri-intestines. Mukuteshwari-bile and liver.
35) May Padmavati protect the Chakras, Choodamani-phlegm (or lungs), Jwalamukhi lustre of the nails and Abhedya-all the joints.
36) Brahmani-semen, Chhatreshwari the shadow of my body, Dharmadharini-ego, superego and intellect (buddhi).
37) Vajrahasta-pran, apan, vyan, udan, saman (five vital breaths), Kalyanashobhana-pranas (life force).
38) May Yogini protect the sense organs, that is, the faculties of tasting, seeing, smelling, hearing and touching. May Narayni protect satwa, raja and tamo gunas.
39) Varahi-the life, Vaishnavi-dharma, Lakshmi-success and fame, Chakrini-wealth and knowledge.
40) Indrani-relatives, Chandika-cattle, Mahalakshmi-children and Bhairavi-spouse.
41) Supatha may protect my journey and Kshemakari my way. Mahalakshmi may protect me in the king's court and Vijaya everywhere.
42) O Goddess Jayanti, any place that has not been mentioned in the Kavach and has thus remained unprotected, may be protected by you.
43-44) One should invariably cover oneself with this Kavacha (by reading) wherever one goes and should not walk even a step without it if one desire auspiciousness. Then one is successful everywhere and all one's desire are fulfilled and that person enjoys great prosperity on the earth.
45) The person who covers himself with Kavacha becomes fearless, is never defeated in the battle and becomes worthy of being worshipped in the three worlds.
46-47) One who reads with faith every day thrice (morning, afternoon and evening), the 'Kavacha' of the Devi, which is inaccessible even to the Gods, receives the Divine arts, is undefeated in the three worlds, lives for a hundred years and is free from accidental death.
48) All disease, like boils, scars, etc. are finished. Moveable (scorpions and snakes) and immoveable (other) poisons cannot affect him.
49-52) All those, who cast magical spells, by mantras or yantras, on other for evil purposes, all bhoots, goblins, malevolent beings moving on the earth and in the sky, all those who mesmerise others, all female goblins, all yakshas and gandharvas are destroyed just by the sight of the person having Kavach in his heart.
53) That person receives more and more respect and prowess. On the earth he rises in prosperity and fame by reading the Kavacha and Saptashati.
54-56) His progeny would live as long as the earth in rich with mountains and forests. By the grace of Mahamaya, he would attain the highest place, that is inaccessible even to the Gods and is eternally blissful in the company of Lord Shiva.




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